Due to a problem with a portion of the Finale installers, downloaded Finale installers (for Mac) for versions of Finale prior to Finale v25 (2014.5 and earlier), may not install the ARIA Player - the plug-in that hosts the Garritan Instruments for Finale.
Fortunately, the workaround is far from arduous. You can install the ARIA Player by following the steps below.
- Close any open programs with the exception of this web browser.
- Click here to download the version of the ARIA player that is supposed to be installed with Finale for Mac (you may be asked to log into your MakeMusic account).
- Open your Downloads folder, locate the installer called "MAC_ARIA_Player_v1.872.pkg", and run it.
- After this installer is done, run and complete the full Finale installer.
The current version of the Finale installer for Mac (for 2012 and later) can be downloaded from your MakeMusic account.
- After the Finale installer completes, restart your computer.
- Launch Finale and test playback in a new document with the Setup Wizard (File > New > Document With Setup Wizard). You can confirm that the ARIA Player is being utilized by checking if it is loaded in MIDI/Audio > Audio Units Banks & Effects.
Once you have completed this workaround, Finale should be playing back using the Garritan Instruments for Finale and no further action is required.
If the ARIA Player is still not working after following these steps, please contact Customer Success.
This issue has been resolved in the latest version of Finale as of February 28, 2017. The latest Finale installer will install the ARIA Player properly. This article now only applies to Finale 2014.5 and earlier. Registered users of Finale v25 can download the latest version of the Finale installer by logging into their MakeMusic account: https://store.makemusic.com/MyAccount/MySoftware.aspx.