Attention Mac Users
Apple will release macOS 15 (Sequoia) on Monday, September 16, 2024.
Finale v27 is not compatible with Sequoia and will not be updated.

For more information:
macOS 15 Sequoia and Finale Notation Products
Disabling Automatic macOS Updates

Requesting the Site License Monitor Installer Resources

To obtain the installer resources for the Finale Site License Monitor, please choose Submit a request above to contact our Customer Support team.

After you have received the email from our Support team with the resources for installing the Site License Monitor, please use the instructions below to install the Site License Monitor:

Contents of this article


Installing the Site License Monitor on Windows

Please use the instructions below to install the Site License Monitor on a Windows/Windows Server operating system. The Site License Monitor is currently supported on Windows XP through Windows 10 and Windows Servers 2012 and 2016.

  1. From the Finale Site License Monitor email, sent by, follow the directions to download the SiteLicenseMonitor.msi and the attached config.dat file and place them on your desktop.
  2. Double-click the SiteLicenseMonitor.msi to begin the installation process. Follow the instructions in the Site License Monitor Setup Wizard until the installation is complete.
  3. Hold down the WINDOWS key on your computer keyboard and press the letter E at the same time to open Windows Explorer.
  4. Double-click the C:\ drive and open the SiteLicenseMonitor folder created by the installer.
  5. Copy the config.dat file from your desktop to the SiteLicenseMonitor folder.
    • Note: If this file has any extra digits or character in its filename, please rename it to "config.dat" to ensure the Site License Monitor service will start successfully.
  6. If you have a firewall on your network server: make sure that port 8100 is accessible through the firewall.
  7. Press the WINDOWS key on your computer keyboard once to open the Start menu.
  8. In the Search programs and files box, type “Services.” If you just start typing, Windows will begin to search for you.
  9. Double-click the Services Desktop app.
  10. Find Finale Site License Monitor Service in the list of services. Right-click the service and select Properties. The Finale Site License Monitor Service Properties window appears.
  11. Under Startup type, select Automatic from the drop-down.
  12. Click the Apply and then Start. The service starts. Click OK to close the Finale Site License Monitor Service Properties window.
  13. From the SiteLicenseMonitor folder, copy the fin_slm.txt file to your client machines.

The directories are:

  • Windows clients:
    • Finale (Version 27): C:\Program Files\MakeMusic\Finale\27
    • Finale (Version 26): C:\Program Files\MakeMusic\Finale\26
    • Finale (Version 25): C:\Program Files\Finale
    • Finale 2004b - 2014.5
      • 64-bit computers: C:\Program Files (x86)\Finale [your version number]
      • 32-bit computers: C:\Program Files\Finale [your version number]
  • Mac clients:
    • Finale (Version 27):  /Library/Application Support/MakeMusic/Finale 27/Data
    • Finale (Version 26) /Library/Application Support/MakeMusic/Finale 26/Data
    • Finale (Version 25):  /Library/Application Support/MakeMusic/Finale/Data
    • Finale 2014.5 and earlier: /Library/Application Support/MakeMusic/Finale [your version number]/Data

Note: You must recopy the fin_slm.txt file to these directories anytime you reinstall Finale on a client machine.


In most cases where troubleshooting is necessary, remove the monitor, run through the steps above once more (make sure nothing was missed) and reinstall the monitor. The Site License Monitor is a simple service at its core, so if reinstalling does not fix it, gather any errors that you see before contacting the MakeMusic Customer Support Team.


Installing the Site License Monitor on Mac

Please use the instructions below to install the Site License Monitor on a Mac operating system. The Site License Monitor is currently supported on macOS 10.2 through 10.14 (macOS 10.15 Catalina and above are not supported, more information here).

  1. From the Finale Site License Monitor email, sent by, follow the directions to download the monitor components and the attached config.dat file and place them on your desktop.
  2. Find the compressed folder on your desktop; double-click the folder to extract its contents.
  3. Move the config.dat file from your desktop into the decompressed FinaleMacSiteLicenseMonitor folder.
    • Note: If this file has an extra digits or character in its filename, please rename it to "config.dat" to ensure the Site License Monitor service will start successfully.
  4. Double-click the Install_Server.command file to install the SLM service. (10.12 through 10.14 Users: Hold down the CONTROL key and click the .command file to choose Open from the context menu (simply double-clicking may fail due to Mac's Gatekeeper security restrictions).
  5. Follow the prompts in the script. The recommended response for each step to install the service appears in brackets at the end of each prompt.
  6. Copy the fin_slm.txt file to your client machines.

The directories are:

  • Windows clients:
    • Finale (Version 27): C:\Program Files\MakeMusic\Finale\27
    • Finale (Version 26): C:\Program Files\MakeMusic\Finale\26
    • Finale (Version 25): C:\Program Files\Finale
    • Finale 2004b - 2014.5
      • 64-bit computers: C:\Program Files (x86)\Finale [your version number]
      • 32-bit computers: C:\Program Files\Finale [your version number]
  • Mac clients:
    • Finale (Version 27):  /Library/Application Support/MakeMusic/Finale 27/Data
    • Finale (Version 26)/Library/Application Support/MakeMusic/Finale 26/Data
    • Finale (Version 25):  /Library/Application Support/MakeMusic/Finale/Data
    • Finale 2014.5 and earlier: /Library/Application Support/MakeMusic/Finale [your version number]/Data

Note: You must recopy the fin_slm.txt file to these directories anytime you reinstall Finale on a client machine.


In most cases where troubleshooting is necessary, remove the monitor, run through the steps above once more (make sure nothing was missed) and reinstall the monitor. The Site License Monitor is a simple service at its core, so if reinstalling does not fix it, gather any errors that you see before contacting the MakeMusic Customer Support Team.


Removing the Site License Monitor service on Windows

If you are having issues with the Site License Monitor service and need to reinstall it or you just want to remove the service. You will need to remove a component file, stop the service, run the uninstaller, and delete the service - here's how...

  1. Close any open programs.
  2. Open the Run dialog box by holding the WINDOWS key and pressing the letter R at the same time.
  3. Type in:
  4. Click OK.
  5. Delete (or move) the config.dat file from the SiteLicenseMonitor folder.
  6. Reopen the Run dialog box, type in:
  7. Click OK.
  8. Right-click the Finale Site License Monitor service and choose Stop.
  9. Reopen the Run dialog box, type in:
  10. Click OK.
  11. Right-click the Site License Monitor and choose Uninstall.
  12. Press the WINDOWS key once and search "cmd". If you just start typing it Windows will search for you.
  13. Right-click the CMD search result and choose Run as administrator.
  14. Type the following into command prompt:
    sc delete "FinaleSiteLicense"
  15. Press the ENTER key on your computer keyboard to run the command and remove the service.
  16. The message below appears if you have successfully removed the service.




Removing the Site License Monitor service on Mac

If you are having issues with the Site License Monitor service and need to reinstall it or you just want to remove the service, please follow the instructions below to do so.

  1. Close any open programs.
  2. Open the FinaleMacSiteLicenseMonitor folder on your desktop.
  3. Double-click the Install_Server.command file to run the Terminal script.
  4. Type "2" and then ENTER to remove the Finale Site License Monitor Server.
  5. Follow the prompts in the script to remove the SLM Service.
  6. You are prompted with a number of directories the script would like to inspect and remove items. Verify each line is related to the SLM Service (fslmd, FinaleSiteLicenseMonitor, fslm, etc.), type “y”, and press the Return key to verify each action.
  7. The message below appears if you have successfully removed the service.
  1. Quit Terminal (Terminal > Quit Terminal).


System Requirements

System requirements (Server):

  • The Site License Monitor software runs on the network server only.
  • Two network server versions are available – Win32 and Mac OS X.
  • The Win32 version will run on Windows XP - Windows 10.
  • Windows requires a local C: drive and full administrator privileges for installation and operation. 
  • The Mac version will run on macOS 10.2 through 10.14 (macOS 10.15 Catalina and above are not supported, more information here).
  • The Site License Monitor must be set up to run automatically on the server every time the server is restarted.
  • The Site License Monitor must be run on a server with a static (unchanging) TCP/IP address and port.
  • The Site License Monitor’s IP address must not change, even at sites using DNS and where client IP addresses are dynamically assigned.

System requirements (Client computers):

  • All client computers must be connected to the network via TCP/IP.
  • The Site License Monitor will work with mixed Windows and Macintosh Finale clients.
  • No client software is necessary (other than Finale).
  • The Site License Monitor works with Finale 2004b and later.
  • Finale must be installed locally on all client computers.
  • Internet connections are not necessary on any client computer or server to use the Site License Monitor.

To obtain the Site License Monitor, contact MakeMusic Customer Support by submitting a support ticket here. Make sure you have your site license serial number ready, as this is required for a copy of the Site License Monitor. Included with the Site License Monitor are instructions for setup and use.


Still have questions? We're here to help! Just click the Contact Customer Support button below to send us your question.

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