As you see, the dash is too close to the note head.
How can I fix or reset it up?
My Finale is v.25.
Thank you.
I assume that the tenuto articulation has not been manually adjusted, so that the culprit is the articulation’s default positioning.
As a test, enter the tenuto on a note.
Then, delete that tenuto.
Then, use the “Add Again” metatool to add the tenuto again:
Hold down the hyphen key, and drag across the staff.
Because you dragged, the tenuto will be added again at its default positioning.
My guess is that the re-added tenuto, will (still) be too close to the notehead.
To fix, edit the tenuto articulation:
While the articulation handle is selected, hold down Shift, and hit Return.
As a result, the Articulation Designer appears.
(You can also get there via the context menu)
Adjust the settings (try the settings shown in the screen shot).
Probably it is not necessary to click the button {Handle Positioning…}, but take a look anyway.
Thank you So much for your help, Mr. Thomsen.
Actually, your Finale is different from mine just a little bit that I don't have 'Distance from entry'. I have 'Default Vertical position' there instead. But, I tried to put different number there and it works!! It is what I got the ideas from you!
Thank you so much!! God bless you a lot a lot!!
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