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I need to set up the song with a time signature 3/2  2/2 

Is this possible?

Windows 10.5

Finale 26.3.1

1 comment

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Yes, it is possible, but it is not clear what you mean by your words “time signature 3/2  2/2”:


1) Polymeter of (faster) 3/2 in some staves, and simultaneously (slower) 2/2 in other staves (coinciding barlines).


2) A “real” time signature of 5/4, with a “display” time signature of 3/2 (+) 2/2.


3) Constantly changing time signatures of

{one 3/2 measure} {one 2/2 measure} {one 3/2 measure} {one 2/2 measure} {one 3/2 measure} {one 2/2 measure} &c.


Which is it?

1), 2) or 3) ?

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