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This may seem like an easy question, but I am a new user for Finale and I'm having trouble creating a triplet the way I need to. The time signature is 2/2, and I am needing to add a 3/2 triplet. This is was easy enough, only I am wanting to include two quarter notes for the second note of the triplet, this is where the issue arrises. 

It is unable to recognize the duration differences of the quarter notes and instead places them as 2 & 3 of the triplet. I have tried messing around with it some and also sometimes encounter a weird infinite division of notes instead. 


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Staring with an empty measure in Speedy entry, I would enter CTRL+3 (CMD+3 on a Mac) and then, since your first note is already a half note, enter it. That will set the triplet as a 3:2 half-note triplet. Then you can type the two quarter notes without changing the tuplet definition.

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