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It is possible to flip the direction of smart shapes using one small hotkey. It would be absolutely perfect if one could do this with every articulation as well. It is annoying that if I enter a fermata into layer 1 and 2, that I have to drag the second one manually to the correct position.

Windows and Mac.


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HI All:

I couldn't agree more. Kudos to Harald for providing an interim solution. I've documenter Layer aware articulations as FIN-4350. I hope we can get to this sooner rather than layer.

Michael Johnson
VP, Professional Notation

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I would like to add a feature request that when articulations are attached to a layer where the stems are automatically flipped up or down (due to the presence of notes in another layer) the articulations should automatically flip to the stem side of the note. (Above the note for upstem notes, below the note for downstem notes.) Flipped articulation placements should also take into account the presence of beams and flags. 

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As far as fermatas are concerned, a FinaleScript with the single line "hit arrow down 19" will put a default above-staff fermata below. The fermata has to be selected within the articulation tool prior to calling the script. What it does, is sending 19 arrow down keystrokes to Finale. Similar, a FinaleScript with a single line ""hit arrow up 19" will reverse that. A bit more versatile is the following JWLua script, which flips all articulations in a selected region:


for e in eachentry(finenv.Region()) do
local artics = e:CreateArticulations()
for a in each(artics) do
a.VerticalPos = - a.VerticalPos - e:CalcStemLength() - e:CalcWidestNoteheadWidth()


Any script, FinaleScripts as well as JWLua scripts, can be assigned to a hotkey.




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I'm also having issues with articulations staying in place and altogether disappearing when extracting parts.

I've included a photo to highlight what's happening.


First my process:


1. First I added the notes

2. Then I selected Note Mover to drag notes cross-staff to the bottom staff

3. Special tools: reverse stems

4. Special tools: beam angle to drag beam to middle

5. articulations:   -  E (7)





I added articulations. Notice how the bottom row of notes will place the articulations on top of the beam and not under the notes.



Then the articulations would disappear when extracting.

One solution which worked half way: I changed options to Position Above Notes. However, it worked for all the articulations on the top staff and not the bottom staff.



I selected the various position options and it would work for one set of notes but not the other. 


I think I'll have to do this manually but I'm hoping there could be a feature added for cross bar and reverse stem situations. For example, select place articulations above notes, then tap a hot key or combination of keys to override and manually adjust for certain notes. In that way, the majority will be placed correctly to start with and the others can be "flipped and placed" as needed. Perhaps offering a mixed option for cross staff and reverse stems so that no matter where the note is placed the articulation auto-detects these variables and will attach according to each individual note.


I'd appreciate helpful tips and knowledge!



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Hi Julia:

Yes, articulations on cross-staff beam groups are not gracefully handled in Finale. I've documented it as FIN-4393. Many people have the same articulation defined with unique settings for the cross-staff notes. Per your conclusion, manually handling the articulation's placement. I apologize for this frustrating and error-prone approach. Thank you for the feature request.


Michael Johnson
VP, Professional Notation

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Thanks for your suggestions and follow up with me! Much appreciated.

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