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Hello - 


I need someone to create Parts (PDF's) from a score. I created the score 12 years ago. The file opens fine but I just can't get the parts to print.

I don't own Finale anymore, I just have the demo version.

Is there anyone that can do this for me? I would gladly pay for the service.


Thank You

Mac Pro / Finale Demo



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Seriously, no one answered this question yet? 21 days and no solution for this person?


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Steven Yeager,


You wrote:

“I need someone to create Parts (PDF's) from a score. I created the score 12 years ago. The file opens fine but I just can't get the parts to print.”


My first guess would be that the document contains only the score, and no linked parts:

12 years ago Finale did not have linked parts!

The first Finale version with linked parts was Finale 2007.


In Other Words:

This is not simply a matter of printing linked parts.

What needs to be done, is

1. generate linked parts,

2. examine the linked parts one by one, and edit the part layout.

Depending on the number of entries in the document, step 2. could be quite time consuming.

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Before 2007, the parts weren't linked but you could certainly generate and print parts. If you had to make a change, you had to generate new parts. This was one reason that many hung onto Composers Mosiac in OS 8/9 and were cursing MOTU for never porting it to OS X.


Back to the OP. Any engraving service can do this for you if money is less important than time (this will not be cheap—see Peter's comments above). Otherwise, you might find it more cost effective to upgrade your old copy of Finale. The parts will now be linked so that any changes you make in the score will be reflected in the parts.

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Thanks Everyone

Sounds like buying the newer Finale is the best route.

Frustrated I can't make an older version work, but that's progress

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