Grace notes in linked voiced parts (like Flute 1 and Flute 2 on the same score staff, voiced in separate parts) are too close to the notes. This makes linked parts essentially useless, unless I create a separate file for parts with all parts exploded to their own staves, or extract the individual parts (bypassing the linked parts feature.) This has existed since Finale 2007.
In a related bug, grace notes in Layer 2 in voiced, linked parts are also always stems down like they are in the score, instead of up as they should be in the part, with no way to edit them either, without extracting the part.
Official comment
Hi Christopher:
I agree with you. These are notational errors that Finale should not be making (FIN-4371). We also need to improve the accidental positioning for grace notes at the same time. It is very tedious or impossible to get the results you desire with the current implementation.
Michael Johnson
VP, Professional Notation
Matt, the more people complain, the more likely it will be that it will be fixed. There is an upvote feature on this forum for bug reports you agree with, but hardly anyone uses it, so I am sure that dozens (if not hundreds!) of supporting opinions never get noted.
Ten years is long enough, I think.
I was about to post a new thread when I discovered that this one already existed. To me, this is a glaring flaw in the program. Creating a new part from an existing one and choosing "Specify voicing" destroys spacing. And still worse, you can’t correct the spacing! I really don’t want to have to extract parts and save multiple files every time I do a big score since linked parts are so much more elegant.
I found threads of people complaining about this on other forums. Someone said this has been reported to MakeMusic many times and has gone ignored for 10 years. Any chance this could be addressed in soon version 25?
Hi all:
Duly noted. Yes, the upvote feature of this Feature Request Community is helpful in gauging the interest of a given request. Again, I know grace note spacing is a significant issue and look forward to addressing it in the future.
Michael Johnson
VP, Professional Notation
I seem to remember posting about this before, but I will just add to this thread. That is not the only workaround, but it is probably the most straightforward one and will require less thinking.
What I do (because I don't want random extra finale files floating around – would much rather 1 file from which I print all PDFs/parts/scores from) is when I am cleaning up that part that has specified voicing and grace notes, is change the spacing of grace notes in document options before printing that one. If I nearly double the default value, it at least makes it readable, but does not look as it should and will still clash with other notes before it.
How do you upvote a feature request (however, I wouldn't call this a "feature")?
Alex, the problem with that is that it would open up the spacing on ALL grace notes, not just the ones in voiced, linked parts. Unvoiced parts with grace notes would then have their grace notes way too far away. I think extracting voiced parts separately is the only solution for now.
I don't leave it that way. I change the spacing only when I'm editing the linked part that has specified voicing. I don't print all at once, rather I print each part after I'm satisfied with the layout, and then it's on to the next part for cleanup. If the next part does not have specified voicing, I replace the original value of grace note spacing. Once you know what value works on voiced parts, this is a pretty quick extra step.
But that is aside from the point. Neither of these methods are "solutions" proper; they are compromises for a bug that needs fixing.
Jean-Philippe, I am assuming you mean "any way to avoid this problem?"
Nothing has changed in fifteen years (!) on this bug. The best solution I know of is to extract the affected parts. Fortunately, you can do most of the layout before extracting, using tools like JW Copy Part Layout, and then apply music spacing to the extracted part to make the grace notes correct.
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