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I have noticed in version 25 that - besides the tempo tool being eliminated - tempo changes such as "rit." rallentando" and "accelerando," as well as fermatas do not work. Also, sometimes in playback, tempo markings such as (q=120) are often ignored in real time playback mode when going from one tempo to the a new tempo (with or without rit. or accel. being employed), but if I begin playback at the point of the new tempo, it is observed. However, in audio export mode, it does not observe tempo changes. Any clues, or solutions?

I am running OS Sierra v.10.12.2 with Finale v.


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Hi Timothy,


Just a quick preliminary thing to check: If you open one of the files in which this occurs, is Human Playback activated (MIDI/Audio > Human Playback > [some option other than None])? Also, you are using the playback controls to begin playback, not spacebar+click, correct?

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Just did that and it fixed the tempo change problem going from one tempo to a new one, but ritards and accelerandos still do not work.

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Glad to hear that made some progress!


As far as the tempo alterations go, do you have tempo marks (even if they're hidden) on either side of the rit./accel. markings? If you set up tempo marks, again even if they're hidden, that act as beginning and destination tempos for the rit.'s and accel.'s, I find Human Playback does a much better job in its interpretation.


Does that make any difference if you try that?

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Yes, there are tempo indications at the beginning of the piece, and in other places, including at the end of the "rit" or "accel" and yes, I dod have Human Playback selected for this particular work, it is set to standard. It was on 21st Century, but I changed it to see if it made any difference. None that I can tell.


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So I just opened the Human Playback preferences and clicked the MIDI data tab, and under Tempo selected Incorporate data. Now everything works correctly.

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Rit and accel are very frustrating (IMO they don't work). They are quirky, and I often have to place them where I do not want them to have them play back (more or less) as I wish. What we need is a way to specify a start tempo, an end tempo, the number of beats required for the tempo change, and whether it is straight-line or a progressive curve. Tempo-change expressions have never worked in a simple and satisfactory manner.

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Ah, it's not just me. I can't get Finale to play back rit. and a tempo correctly. It just ignores them.

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As I stated above, just open the Human Playback preferences and click on the MIDI data tab, then under Tempo select Incorporate data, and all tempo markings, including rit, accel, rallen will work correctly.

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Yesterday I downloaded version 25.2 to see if that would fix the problem. Today I rebooted my computer, then created a new file from scratch with a rit, and it worked. But when I loaded the piece with the problem, it doesn't play the rit. And I had already set "Incorporate data". So I'm assuming my file is corrupt. Immediately reloading the new file worked.

I have other strange problems with most of the music I've created, like the rolled chord (which I posted in another thread), and pop up windows don't appear like the manual says they will. Can files go corrupt? And what did I do to corrupt it? These things happen on most of my projecdts.

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I am having a tempo issue as well, but it is not exactly the same...

I have specified a tempo marking of quarter note=84 at the beginning of my piece. The first two measures are repeated (i.e. there is a backward repeat bar at the end of the second measure). The first time through the repeat, the tempo is correct. The second time through, the tempo doubles, as if the original tempo marking is added to the current tempo the second time through. Any one have any issues with that?

All my HP settings look correct, and I've tried clearing MIDI data from the document.

Running v25.3.0.276 on a Mac OS 10.12.5.

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Hi, folks.

I've read this thread and cannot see how the original poster's concern was solved. Have I missed something?

I am having the same issue on Finale 25 and 26. Needless to say, it's driving me mad. Please advise.



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I've tried the suggestions above and much more. To be clear, I'm a competent Finale user, dating back to v.3.0.

Rit / accel are not new to be...but them not working properly is new.

As I stated previously, I'm having the same issues as the OP: rit/rall and accelerando do not work properly with Human Playback selected. I've tried creating brand-new expressions using generic "rit.", "ritard", "rall", "rallantando," etc, using generic font, without defining any playback. It is my understanding that HP is supposed to automatically interpret these instructions.

I've tried the MIDI tempo change workaround for an accelerando. It only worked when I defined very low starting tempo and very high ending tempo. In the piece I'm working on, however, I need an accel. from MM=172 to MM=184 over 8 beats. No dice.

Finale 25 and 26 (same problem on versions)

Mac OS 10.15 Catalina


Thanks in advance for any further suggestions?


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