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One of the use-cases that Finale has no adequate solution for is movement titles in a multi-movement piece with linked parts. Another less common use case is performance instructions that must appear as a footnote on the page of a specific measure in both score and part where the notation occurs. Years ago I suggested adding horizontal page positioning to the Positioning tab of the expression designer. (Also optional vertical page positioning.)

FWIW: I have recently released a third-party plugin that kind of does this. It looks for expressions with specific features in a specific category or with certain predefined descriptions. It then positions them horizontally relative to the current page in that part. (And vertically if the description specifies it.) Here is a description of how to use it that will give some idea of how it addresses the two use cases.

Even if I say so myself, it works like a dream. Finale should have these options built in.


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Official comment


Hi Robert:

Thank you for these excellent suggestions. I couldn't agree more that these are significant limitations in Finale. FIN-4492. I will take a look at your new plug-in in the near future. 


Michael Johnson
VP, Professional Notation

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Was anything done about this?  In 2024 it stil seems a total nightmare to make sure that movement titles appear in the right place in each part.  Is the only way to achieve this some kind of highly work-intensive process of unlinking multiple text boxes and making sure they're all hidden on the parts to which they are not relevant?  It turns the score and parts into a total mess of hidden text and it takes ages, and it's almost impossible not to get into a right royal mess doing it.  How can there not be a better way of achieving this?!!!

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Nothing was done with most of these, unfortunately, including this one. (Michael Johnson is no longer with the company.) My solution is now text expressions with special properties that allow a third party plugin to correctly position them on the page. It works pretty well, but you do have to remember to run the plugin before printing or creating PDFs.

More info.

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