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I am using Finale 2014.5 with Windows 10 to arrange old music for my brass band. We have a folder and to look the sheets "professional", I want the same format settings (size and position of margins, staves, header, page number, but also size of notes,...) for all my documents. I created a file in the way I want to have it and saved it. When I manually enter new music, I open this file, save it with the new name, delete the old music and enter the new one.


When I scan music or want to import some music, I have completely different formatting in these files. At the moment I open my standard file, delete the music, copy the music from the scan or import file and paste it in my empty standard file. But this transfers also some of the formatting settings of the music, so I have to adjust in manually.


I am looking for a possibility just to leave the music (notes and breaks) and apply my standard format to it. What is the best way to get MY "standard" format to the new files?




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Hello Tilman,


I believe this User Manual Article should guide you to achieve what you are looking to accomplish: Reusing Document Settings.

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Finale 25 claims to have this capability. You can set up a blank score setup and import XML (from a scan) into it while preserving the format of the v25 "template." I have not tried it nor checked to see if that score format extends to parts. And of course v25 no longer contains the scanning capabilities. For that you would have to use F2014.5.


That is what I understand from what I have read about the new version of the program. Hope it helps. You can presumably download a 30-day trial version of v25 to see if it works.

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Kevin: thanks for the link, this is just the kind of information I was looking for!!


Adrian: sounds interesting, thanks for the hint! Perhaps I will try v25 when I have a lot of time... ;-)  For some of my music (from the days before I used Finale) is still in my old program, so I have already two programs running parallel. And in v25 there are not so many new functions that justify the upgrade costs for me. Perhaps v26 or v27....  


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