FInale 25, Windows 10
I may have found an answer to a problem. I have had it a very few times. And others may have been baffled by this very elusive issue.
With no apparent change, one or more staves is suddenly playing wrong notes, as if it were "transposed" to some other key.
The Staff Attributes doesn't show a different transposition. But the notes are wrong.
In other words:
1. I push play and then stop playback. All is fine
2. I start playback again and something is very wrong. Some part is playing very wrong notes.
My answer:
I had glissandos in the trombones. Stopping playback in the middle of a glissando seems to have locked the part onto the place the gliss. left off. So next time I push play, the whole part seems to be modified up or down according to where the last gliss. left off.
Does that make sense? Every time I let the glissando play out completely everything plays normally. But if I stop playback in the middle of a glissando the part plays back at a different pitch level when I play it again.
It doesn't happen with harp glisses.
I did see a 2011 post about a bassoon part apparently having a similar problem. But i wouldn't think a glissando would be the cause.
I remember having the issue with an earlier version, 2012 or 2014, but I don't remember if trombone glisses were involved.
FInale 25, Windows 10
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