Is this getting fixed along with FIN-4325 (Rich Edit Controls)?

Hi George:
What do you mean by Font Selection / Detection issue? Rich Edit Control is about the modernization of text handling in Finale.
Michael Johnson
VP, Professional Notation
Right, sorry. I thought the issue was well-known. Certain typefaces cannot be selected by simply clicking on the typeface. You'd have to manually type the font name together with the typeface you want to get it to work in Finale. For example, I cannot choose Maestro Wide font by selecting it; I have to type the typeface together with the font name. Typing "Maestro Wide Oblique" and "Maestro Wide Bold Oblique" for Default Music Font produce results that are not musical; These fonts probably don't exist.
Similarly, I cannot choose condensed typefaces by clicking on them; I have to type into the font section of the dialogue box. The problem seems to occur with anything that's not Italic or Bold. I'm pretty sure it's just a windows problem and doesn't occur on MAC.
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