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I'm using Finale 2014. My question regards what I call "proportional transposition" (I made the term up). I transcribed an arrangement for a singer that modulates through 4 keys, and he needs the arrangement transposed to a key that he can sing it comfortably in. Is there a way to transpose the entire arrangement, modulations and all, at once, or do I have to go section by section and transpose the key signatures?


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As I see it, your only choice is to transpose each section separately (Key Signature Tool), so that each key signature is changed. Using the Transposition Tool won't change Key Signatures. It won't take that long, will it?


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I suppose it depends whether the OP wants the several key signatures to be correct (purist quotient) or whether just transposing everything is more important. That will partly depend what the resulting key signatures would be (or the accidentals resulting from transposing without changing them) and what this would do to any transposing instrument parts. (I seldom if ever use key signatures any more, so I just transpose the whole thing and clean up ranges when I need to.)

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I usually just manually change the key signatures for each section, and no, it doesn't take that long. It just seemed like there might be an easier, faster solution. Perhaps on the wish-list for a future version of Finale? Thanks, guys.

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Perhaps I am missing something, but to me it does not seem necessary to “manually change key signatures for each section, one by one”.


I can transpose the entire document, modulations and all, at one fell swoop, with the following settings:



If I misunderstand you, then I apologize.

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Thanks Peter Thomsen. I've learned something new today!

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Peter, thanks -- I've used Finale since 1994 and I've never even noticed that option. I already finished the job, but I went back to my original file and tried it out, and it worked, kind of ... the arrangement starts in C and goes up three times by half steps. The proportional transposition gave me a key signature with 7 sharps for the first modulation, which, of course, is technically correct, but pretty useless in the real world. But I know this will prove useful in the future.

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All of a sudden, in the middle of a project, while using speedy entry Finale is entering the notes I play on the keyboard a 1/2 step low.  So playing an F on my mdid keyboard Finale is entering an E-natural in to the staff.  HELP!

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Try restarting the computer. If that doesn't help, trash the preference files.


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On rare occasions I find I may have hit a control on my MIDI keyboard that transposes the MIDI output of the keyboard. Fortunately the chances of that are low, since it can be a hassle to figure out how to reset the keyboard if you don't use that feature regularly.

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Thanks Adrian - that's what I did, and found my error just after this post.  Thanks for your reply!


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