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Unfortunately since scrolling with the mouse wheel is still an unsolved problem under Mac Retina v25, I need to use the scroll bar at the bottom of the screen to quickly jump to a certain area of the score.

It would help greatly, if the scroll handle position would somehow show where it is in the score, so when I grab it I get a rough feedback of where I have to move it to get to a certain spot in the score.*)

Measure number don't really help as long as you don't remember them by heart.


*) maybe some sort of graphical mini-score like in Sibelius... hint, hint.

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Official comment


Hi Florian:


We are aware of the performance issues on Mac with the high resolution turned on and will address them as quickly as we can. We are also investigating ways to improve navigation throughout the score for both Mac and Win. I've documented your request for a Score preview window as FIN-5502. I agree it would be handy and helpful.


Michael Johnson
VP, Professional Notation

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