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Hey all,

I'm working with the free download of Finale Notepad 2012. Been my go to program for arranging a Cappella music  a while, but I've found it has one limitation: I can't for the life of me figure out how to add in *specific* tempo changes mid score. I've looked up multiple sources on how to do this, but it seems my expressions tool doesn't have the same capabilities as what these other, I guess, "versions" of Finale Notepad 2012 have? I've attached a photo to this post to show what shows up in my expressions tool (sorry if the photo is really large): 

No side bar giving me the option to make my own expressions, and very limited expressions already included in comparison to what I've seen in the screenshots from others who have shown solutions.

EDIT: Accel., rit., and a tempo all affect the playback in kind, but I have no way of controlling those tempos; there simply doesn't seem to be an option for me to edit in specific tempo changes for even those.

Does the free Finale Notepad 2012 version just not have the capability of adding in tempo changes mid score?

Thanks in advance for anyone who can help!


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To add, I'm using the Windows Finale Notepad 2012 version on Windows 10. Don't know if that will contribute to the problem or not.

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Hi Alex,

I'm not familiar with notepad at all. So take this with a grain of salt, but if you don't have the side bar, or the create expression button, is it possible to add basic text boxes to the score?  It won't help you with playback, but it would give you an option to write in a tempo change for printed music.

Hopefully someone who knows the program can give you an actual solution.  The full version of Finale is pretty great, if you're a student then I would definitely take advantage of the student pricing option to upgrade.

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Hey John,

I do have that capability, but it's the tempo changes in the playback that I'm really looking for. I suppose I should have clarified that! My apologies.

This is basically the the one feature that I've needed in the free version that I can't seem to figure out, so if it does end up being only available in the full version, I would consider purchasing.

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No worries, sorry I can't be more help.  Depending on what you're doing/using for playback, the full version of Final is a fairly powerful and diverse tool. I've been using it as a digital performer for several years now. It's really a great investment for any composer/arranger.  It might be worth downloading a trial version and playing around with it to see what you think.


Hopefully someone else that knows Notepad better can help you out!  Good luck!

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Alex Entrikin,


As Far As I Can Tell, you will have to upgrade to get that feature, sorry.

NotePad is a free program.

Ya gets what ya pays fer!

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Try the demo of Print Music. You might find having the capability to do what you want worth the cost of a possible purchase.

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