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I want to make my tempo markings and tempos changes big in the score, so they're easier to see, while keeping them smaller in my linked parts (otherwise they come out far too big in the parts).  What is a simple way of achieving this?  I tried changing it in the part, only to find it change in the score.  I also tried going through the entire score and unlinking every single tempo marking, and changing the size of the tempo marking in the score only, to make it bigger.  When I went back to a part, I (inexplicably?!) find that the tempo markings in the part have also got bigger.  It would seem that unlinking just means that an element does not necessarily appear in the part, but it does not allow your independently to alter the size of tempi and tempo changes?

Finale 25, Windows 10.


Many thanks!



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Unlinking unlinks the positioning, but not the size, sorry!


Two ideas for the sizing issue:


1) Set the font size to “Fixed Size”.

In that way the expressions will have the same size in score and parts - regardless of the different scaling percentages in score and parts.


2) Use two different expressions, one for the score, and another for the parts.

Hide the “score” expression in the parts.

Hide the “parts” expression in the score.

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Hey George, I hit this also when trying to prep my concert band score for easy conducting, without affecting the parts. I also wanted large time signatures in the score only. instead of dealing with linking/unlinking, here is what I did (which worked!)

For the large Time signatures, I used the steps outlined in this blog: and which is also discussed in the manual here:

Large Time Signatures
1. Plugins>Scoring and Arranging>Global Staff Attributes. Turn off Time Signatures in all staves but the first of each section (Flute 1, Trumpet 1, Timpani, Violin 1).

2. Document Options> Fonts>Notation pull down set to: Time (Score) = EngraverTime 48 (Plain, not bold)
3. Document Options> Time Signatures. Change units at the bottom to EVPUs. then set Vertical adjustment: Set top symbol to 0, Bottom to -380 (EVPUs)

Then, to have large tempo marks on the score and normal size on the parts, I created two new Expression Categories, discussed in the manual here:


I duplicate the Tempo Marks Category twice, one for Score only, the other for Parts only.

In your Score only Expression Category, Select your new Score Only Category and click the Edit Categories... button:

Change the three fonts (Text Font, Music Font, Number Font) to larger point sizes.

Then, still in the Category Designer dialogue,  create the new list in your Score only Expression Category by clicking the Edit button next to the Score list pulldown:

Set it to score only. In your new Parts Only category, deselect the score and use the "Check All Staves" box in the Score List to select all the parts.

In the Expression Selection dialogue, use the Duplicate button to make a copy of the tempo mark. Now you can Use the Move To pull down in the Expression Selection dialogue to move the copy of your tempo mark into each new category:


Once you move the expression into the new category, it will use the new point sizes in the score.


Hope this helps!


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I do what Peter does. I find going to Fixed by 2 points smaller makes it the same size in the parts, and an acceptable size in the score, no matter what the reduction is there. Times New Roman Bold 14 turns into 12 fixed, which is about the same size once the staves in the parts are reduced to 85%.

I create the tempo expression, then Select All, hit cmd-sh , (command shift comma) twice, which reduces it by two points no matter what the original size was, and then click the Fixed Size button.

I enter it in the score, then go to a part. In the part, I hold down the command key while dragging it to the correct position, which forces it to be that way for the score (overriding the default behaviour). Then I go to the score, and hold down the command key again while dragging it to the correct place for the score, which prevents it from changing position in the parts.

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Hi Christopher, I'm looking for much much larger in the score than the parts. Something like 48pts in score, 12 or 14 in the parts.

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Try it. You'll see that 12 point FIXED (that means it doesn't get smaller when you reduce systems!) is plenty big. In fact, I would say that the big drawback of this method is that it is TOO big on some scores.

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So, 5 years later... is there a plugin to do so.... 

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Here I am, seven years on, and this is still not automated?  Can Finale really claim to be the "most powerful" music notation software if it still can't automatic THIS?!

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