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** Finale - Windows 10 **

Hi all, 

I've been having some trouble with Finale 25's playback tempo. When playing a piece written at 150 BPM, Finale plays it at about 350. There are no tempo alterations in the piece, nor is there an initial declaration of tempo, just the tempo setting in the playback controls. This happens whether I open a piece from Finale 2014.5, or if it is created in Finale 25. Opening the same document in 2014.5 yields perfect playback. The speeding effect in 25 happens at all other tempos, too. 40 BPM yields 91, 100 yields 227, etc...

Any idea what do do here? 



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Hi Jerome,


Thanks for posting!


That definitely sounds odd. If you open the Audio Setup dialog box (MIDI/Audio Device Setup  Audio Setup), what is the sample rate listed in the Sample Rate drop-down menu?


Also, have you tried resetting Finale's preferences yet?

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Hi, Lawson,


Looking in the Audio Setup settings, the sample rate is set to 44100.

Prior to posting the issue on this board I tried uninstalling and reinstalling Finale, but to no avail. I have also just now reset the preferences, but that also yields no results. 

I'm not sure if it has anything to do with this issue, but when playing Finale through a VST, I get no sound whatsoever. Aria Player shows the notes being played on the keyboard, but nothing comes through.

Thanks for your help.

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Thanks for that info Jerome,


Just curious, are you playing through an external audio device of some sort? Or are you using your built-in speakers?

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The machine in question is a desktop, and I run  audio out of the built-in audio output to a pair of Logitech desktop speakers. 

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Good news! I played around with the audio driver settings in Audio Setup, and redirected the audio through DirectSound. VSTs seem to work now, and Finale stays in time. When opening another document, however, attempting to play it in MIDI through the AIRA player with DirectSound does not produce sound at all.

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That's good to hear!


It's odd that MIDI is not working. When playing through MIDI the ARIA Player won't work (it's only VST), but SmartMusic SoftSynth should. If you are still having trouble with MIDI playback, I would recommend reaching out to our support team directly for further assistance. You can do so using the Submit a request link at the top of this page.

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