When I "explode music", could I have this option? I bet it would be a fast feature add.
It's tedious to have to select the current staff from a score with many (often involves scrolling too)
Place Music Into
( ) New staves added to bottom of score
( ) Existing staves starting with staff: [ drop down menu ]
( * ) Existing staves starting with source staff
Also... to be able to program a set of "default" explosions in a document and use them with Metatools? (if you explode from Trumpet 1 in a big band score, automatically set the options to 4 or 5 staves, top down, etc. so you can just enter chords in the Tpt1 part and hit a single keyboard stroke to distribute them to 4 or 5 staves. I'm sure there is a macro program for that though)
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