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When I "explode music", could I have this option?   I bet it would be a fast feature add.  

It's tedious to have to select the current staff from a score with many (often involves scrolling too)

Place Music Into

(   ) New staves added to bottom of score
(   ) Existing staves starting with staff:  [ drop down menu ]
( * ) Existing staves starting with source staff 

Also... to be able to program a set of "default" explosions in a document and use them with Metatools?    (if you explode from Trumpet 1 in a big band score, automatically set the options to 4 or 5 staves, top down, etc. so you can just enter chords in the Tpt1 part and hit a single keyboard stroke to distribute them to 4 or 5 staves.   I'm sure there is a macro program for that though)





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Official comment


Hi Jeremy:


Great request and definitely something on our radar. I've added your comments to a story in our backlog (FIN-4312) on improvements to exploding. And kudos to Jeremy Levy for pointing out the use of Jari's plug-in. I do concur that Finale should have better native support for such a powerful feature. Thank you for making this request.


Michael Johnson
VP, Professional Notation

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Yes please, please! Another way of doing this would be to simply place the currently selected staff as top entry of the dropdown menu (from the list) instead of the one from the last explode task. That way you wouldn't even need a new menu item.

Now, extracting to 4 staves from the top down would only require numblock 2 (explode), numblock 4 (extract to 4 staves) and enter - easypeasy and quick as hell.

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Hi Florian - duly noted.


Michael Johnson

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There's a JW plugin that does exactly that. If you're using a version prior to the 64-bit Finale 25, there's a separate plugin called JW Quick Explode. Otherwise, it's buried in the JW Staff Polyphony plugin.

But, yes, it would be great if it was built default into Finale. There are a lot of things that should be default in the program w/ resorting to 3rd party plugins (copy part layout, cough, cough...)

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