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I will try to explain what I am needing to accomplish with a big band drum set part. I have a string of measure with repeat one measure symbols in the measures. I need to place some ensemble "kicks" above the staff, for the drummer to see what rhythm the saxes, trumpets & trombones are playing.

I am  using the high-tom for the rhythm and putting it in in layer 3. After I enter the rhythm for the measure, it disappears. All that remains is the one measure repeat, with no ensemble rhythm on the drum part. I am using speedy entry, with use of the computer's keyboard for entry. I can go back to the measure I have entered the rhythm and it will show-up when the "insertion-bar" is highlighted, once again. Move to the next measure with the cursor and the prior notation disappears as soon as the "insertion bar" moves/advances to the next measure.

BTW, I am already using Layer 2 for other drum notation.

What am I doing wrong?


I am running Windows 10 with the latest version of Finale.


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Thanks so much for the help! Yes, Layer 4 works much better for the cues. I really didn't need to do all of the steps; as, I was not actually copying pitches and rhythm. I just created my own cues, which were just the rhythms the horns/ensemble were playing; so, the drummer could see the rhythm the band was playing.

What a great feature for classical composers & arrangers. Being a symphonic bass trombonist, also, I always value cues in my part, which has a lot of long, rests, before critical entrances. Just performed Brahms German Requiem (Kalmus edition) and bass bone part had wonderful cues? Much easier on the nerves! 

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