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Although Finale emphasize "Human Playback style".
Finale do not even have common "Piano roll Editor". So, I suggest "Sequencer Overlay".
As you know, Standard Notation can not express the actual Velocity, Duration, Start Point, End Point Etc.
Sequercer Overlay will strengthen Humanize further. And It is more intuitive and convenient to users.
I hope Finale will have the MIDI Sequencing ability in the future. If so, we will be able to record realistic sounds without DAW. And many users will increase.
Especially, the multi voices instrument(like Piano, Guitar etc) requires sequencer overlay more.

And do not forget that Steinberg Dorico is chasing Finale.
Steinberg Dorico already has "Piano roll Editor" and its development abilities are excellent.
Perhaps they are already developing the Midi Sequencing feature.
So I hope Finale will have a new ability first.

Please, benchmark "Sonic Scores Overture 5" and "Pre sonus Notion 6".


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Hi Y.G.:


Thank you for posting to this feature request form. I completely agree that Finale has fallen behind when it comes to editing MIDI and having a piano roll interface to view and edit playback data.This request is high on our backlog as issue FIN-3841. 


Michael Johnson
VP, Professional Notation

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By the way, is it technically possible to solve the problem outlined by implementing MIDI over ReWire support in Finale to synchronise Finale session with DAW and get advantage of DAW's extensive MIDI editing features?

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I never thought of Finale primarily as a program for sounds, but for notation. Isn't there a way to export Finale filles to more suitable sound programs?

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Yes, there is (export as MIDI). But the process becomes tedious if your need to change your notation after export and incorporate these changes into DAW project. Such kind of Scorewriter<->DAW round-trip workflow is essentials for composers who want (or obliged) to produce both sheet music and a decent (or even production quality) MIDI mockup.

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Hi Pavel:


As you mentioned previously, I find ReWire to be powerful at shortening the feedback loop and allowing you to work in Finale and a DAW without the need to export MIDI. 



Michael Johnson

VP, Professional Notation


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Except, Rewire in Finale doesn't allow multi output routing, correct? That's a major problem for most media composers that need to print stems. I'll have separate outputs for each section of the orchestra: Winds, Brass, Perc, Strings, etc. That way, they can all have separate settings for EQ, reverb, and compression. Then when you're done, you can buss them all to separate audio inputs and record isolated audio all at once for each section.


So, the options are fairly limited in usability. Not to mention, you can't adjust timings of notes and controller info in Finale. So, it's fairly useless for most modern sample libraries that need a lot of controller manipulation.


This is a huge area that needs to be eventually addressed by computer software. Until someone cracks the code, there will always be a major bifurcation between notation and DAW.


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Hi Jeremy:


Duly noted. Yes, these are some of the limitations to our initial implementation of ReWire that we plan to address in the future. I do agree this is a huge area of the program that needs to be addressed to improve workflows for users that need better output of the audio. Great discussion, thank-you Jeremy.



Michael Johnson

VP, Professional Notation


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