Although Finale emphasize "Human Playback style".
Finale do not even have common "Piano roll Editor". So, I suggest "Sequencer Overlay".
As you know, Standard Notation can not express the actual Velocity, Duration, Start Point, End Point Etc.
Sequercer Overlay will strengthen Humanize further. And It is more intuitive and convenient to users.
I hope Finale will have the MIDI Sequencing ability in the future. If so, we will be able to record realistic sounds without DAW. And many users will increase.
Especially, the multi voices instrument(like Piano, Guitar etc) requires sequencer overlay more.
And do not forget that Steinberg Dorico is chasing Finale.
Steinberg Dorico already has "Piano roll Editor" and its development abilities are excellent.
Perhaps they are already developing the Midi Sequencing feature.
So I hope Finale will have a new ability first.
Please, benchmark "Sonic Scores Overture 5" and "Pre sonus Notion 6".
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