My Articulation Selection dialog box has become compressed in Print Music. It used to be proper sized. What to do?
Hi Kevin:
You've errantly posted on the Feature Request community. Please post your question to the Questions forum at or open a Case with our Customer Success staff at
Michael Johnson
VP, Professional Notation
I would like to submit this as a Feature Request :-) I know how to correct it: click the edge of the box. But it shouldn't happen in the first place.
This happens in several other dialog boxes as well, like the Symbol Selection box for Note Shapes. It didn't happen in Finale 2001, which I used until last December.
Any chance this issue could be corrected in future versions?
Actually, no. Whenever I use Finale, I keep the main window full-size.
But that brings up an interesting point: it doesn't happen all the time. Today the Articulation symbol selection palette is working fine. But if I open an existing file with shaped notes, and I try to change an individual notehead with the Special Tools Notehead tool, the first time it works fine, but every subsequent time the palette shrinks until the symbols are complete hidden:
If I click the very edge of the palette, it instantly resizes to the correct size.
This sometimes also happens with the Expression tool palette. But today the Expression tool palette is doing something else odd: every time I open it the boxes containing the symbols are larger.
Quirky. :-)
Whenever something "used to work, but now it doesn't"
1. Restart the computer
2. If that didn't help, trash the preferences
Side note: although your Finale history and accomplishments might be interesting to some, what we really need to help you are your current version and operating system.
Update: Resetting the Preferences did solve this problem—at the cost of a day finding and changing all my preferences back!
Three weeks later, however, the problem is back. Each time I open the Shapes Selection box, it's smaller. And it resizes if I double-click the frame.
I really don't have time to spend another day resetting all my preferences. Could the problem just be fixed?
Thanks for a great program.
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