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If I open a file in Finale 2014.5 on OS 10.8.5 and then move it to a second monitor, it becomes uneditable because the handles lose their orientation. In the second example,  one sees the Articulation Tool handles go bonkers:


Moving the file back to the original location only compounds the problem. The only fix is to close and then reopen the file, remembering to close it on the monitor where one wants to work on it next so it opens on that monitor. 

I should mention that one of my monitors is set to landscape and the other to portrait orientation so I can work full page, or on details under high magnification. I should also say that my setup is very simple, with only a MIDI keyboard attached  and two identical standard Dell monitors.

FEATURE REQUEST: Finale should be able to handle shifts of files from one monitor to another set to any orientation. 


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Official comment


Hi John:

I'm not seeing this in v25 with Mac 10.12. Thanks for your report.


Michael Johnson
VP, Professional Notation

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Thanks for checking this out, Michael. I trust that you tried it with dual monitors set to different orientations and resolutions. I didn't mention that note input becomes impossible as well. The notes don't go where they should once the file is moved to the other monitor.

If it is fixed, it is just one more reason to use my Finale 25 upgrade. But I can't do that at the moment, unfortunately, because I am stuck with 10.8.5.

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Hi John:


I did try this on a system with multiple monitors. You can always download a demo of Finale v25 and make sure your workflow is supported as needed.


Michael Johnson
VP, Professional Notation

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Thanks for trying it out thoroughly, Michael.  I have already purchased Finale 25 but can't use it on OS 10.8.5, with which I am stuck at the moment.

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John, you might want to check out a virtual machine tool like VMWare Fusion. (There is also a free virtual machine tool, but VMWare is well worth it if you use it a lot.) Depending on why you are stuck on 10.8.5, you could either run it as a virtual on a 10.12 host or you could run 10.12 on a 10.8.5 host. I currently have virtuals for Win7, Win10, MacOS 10.6, 10.7, and 10.8. I use Win10 for Win plugin dev, 10.6 for Word 2004 (which is the last version that prints a logo I have) and 10.7 for large-format printing on a printer that lacks current drivers. Virtuals are a way to save your old software.

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Thanks for the tip, Robert. I had considered something like that but more inclined now with your comment. Your large-format printer wouldn't be a HP 5200 would it?  I am considering getting one and thought there were drivers for OS 10.12 for it. 

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My printer is a Xante Accel-a-Writer that I bought in 2003. It cost a bundle, but it blows away anything available now unless you get into five figures (and have an industrial-sized space to put it in). The last driver update was for 10.7 or 10.8. I can do basic printing in 10.11 (my current OS version), but to do booklet printing on oversize (13x20) sheets I have to use a virtual.

If you are considering upgrading the host OS and running a 10.8 virtual, my recommendation is to create the 10.8 virtual first (hosted on 10.8). Then you can guarantee that whatever you need to run in 10.8 works inside the virtual. That adds a lot of peace of mind when upgrading the host OS.

If by chance the software you need in 10.8 is ProTools, I suspect the virtual will not work. (ProTools is EXTREMELY picky.) After Avid turned ProTools into a profit center, I reluctantly went though a painful divorce from it in favor of REAPER. I wouldn't go back now if you paid me.






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That sounds like a safe strategy since there is only one piece of software that is holding me hostage, InDesign CS4.  Hope that will work in a virtual environment. I can't lose access to it and don't wish to subscribe. It seems that your printer is no longer available; the HP 5200 is the only large-format printer I can find.

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My guess is CS4 will work in a virtual. The main reason it might not is the copy protection. The obvious steps are to create a 10.8 virtual, get CS4 working in the virtual, then upgrade the host. The paid options for virtualizers (Fusion and Parallels) are not that expensive for a single-user license. And they often have discounts available.

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Thanks, Robert. I will definitely consider that option, probably on my external hard drive (just in case). 

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