Win 7
Finale v25.5
1. In playback, Church Organ does not respond to dynamic markings, whether p/f or hairpins.
2. Piano music, especially classical, often includes consecutive sustaining Ped markings without an intervening * (release). This instructs the player to press the sustaining pedal at the first Ped marking, but to quickly release and press the sustaining pedal at each of any following Ped points until a * (release) marking is reached, producing a smooth flow between each passage. In playback, Finale 25.5 does not recognize this common practice. Instead, playback keeps the sustaining pedal depressed, smearing the passages.
3. Please include a description popup when hovering the pointer over an articulation symbol. Some symbols are obvious, but others are not.
4. Add the inverted Turn symbol in the articulation list--a turn symbol with a vertical line crossing its middle, similar to an inverted mordant.
5. In the Edit > Preferences > Palettes and Backgrounds window, include a choice for Palette Background Color to increase readability for those of us with less than perfect vision.
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