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It would be helpful to be able to define multiple page format templates for parts (and scores, too, now that I think about it).  A good many of my projects have varying format requirements for different parts. I have gotten by using the save/load library feature to handle this, but it sure makes for a clumsy work-flow. One clear example would be an ensemble arrangement where one player, say a violinist or other string player, needs a larger print part to read from. In these cases, I define two separate parts, one normal and one large print. Another would be defining a "part" to be an alternate version of the full score. That "part" would need its own page properties as well.  So being able to define multiple format templates be very handy.


If Finale could do this, you might even be able to remove the distinction between a "score" template and a "part" template, just provide a list of defined templates, and be able to specify a "default" template for the score and a "default" template for new parts (to preserve current work-flows).  Then each "part" would be able to choose its own template specification (perhaps in the ScoreManager).


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Hi Anthony:


Thank you for posting this request. It is an excellent one and I could see us providing a Modified Stave Notation (MSN) format with templates included in Finale. Your comments have been added to FIN-5194, the story in our backlog on the topic. Thanks again!


Michael Johnson
VP, Professional Notation

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I wanted to second the request, but with slightly different usage.

Often, I receive large ensemble (orch, wind ens, jazz ens) scores with extracted parts that need to conform to a different part format.

The templates idea is good; but for me most useful if the templates can be applied to existing parts (after the fact). This would include # of bars per line, # of systems per page, page breaks, page %, multirest settings and line breaks, measure numbers settings, page numbering placement, rehearsal marks placement, blank pages, etc.
Templates should able to be tweaked before applying to a file or certain parts in a file.

The score’s formatting should not affect the parts in any way. Yet those setting mentioned are not separate for the parts.

My current and very clumsy workaround is to format the score for printing the score only.
I often have a blank, pre-formatted score with desired overall part settings that I copy the entire score data (notes and markings) into it. The parts tend to keep the formatting of the blank file. I call this version “[score title] sfp” where sfp is “score for parts.”
Some formatting is still needed and text boxes repositioned. I can make gross changes to the sfp score and most will affect all parts. In this file I’ll have a horrible looking score with great looking parts.
As I said very clumsy. but keeps the original score layout separate from the parts and allows for the blank file to be the template. And any note changes need to be updated in two files. Clumsy and requiring extra meticulous work.

Instead, I’m hoping for a way to apply formatting from a template TO the original score or parts, or both. Best would be able to retire the need for the separate sfp file.

Currently (vs 27 mac) , changing page layout elements in the score (for example) changes my part formatting. For example, Rehearsal
Marks in scores are not placed from
the perspective of viewing the part- so it looks correct on the score but ever part needs adjustment. No setting to make Al
Parts conform at once.
When it’s way out of wack, the regenerating parts is hit or miss for restoring each part to desired format.

If I’m missing a function in all this please let me know. It seems that Finale should be able to identically format all parts, and allow for tweaking of one part to be applied to all others if desired. And then later, tweaking the score should not disturb or alter those previous parts tweaks.

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I almost always make several scores. Sometimes I have the exact reasons listed above but usually it is for a sound score and a print score.  For instance for my sound score I put every single percussion instrument on its own staff but int he print score I never want that. Sometimes I even have a parts score. For instance if I have alto sax 1 & 2 on a single line in the print score.

The problem here is that if you make a change in one of your "specialized" scores you need to remember to do it in all of them. Would it be possible to have linked scores?

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… Would it be possible to have linked scores? …


You can create a linked part containing all the instruments.

That, I think, would count as a “linked score”.

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That, I think, would count as a “linked score”.


It's not or at least not what I would call a real copy and linked score.

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