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If I'm not missing something that's already been solved, I would appreciate the possibility to move back and forth one measure at a time in Scroll View with the arrow keys. It's a bit distracting to have to move the cursor to the right-hand or left-hand bottom of the screen to do this. 

Finale 14.5 and 25. Windows 7 and Mac 10.8


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Hi Anders and all,


A great suggestion that others have also requested. I've added your notes to FIN-4259 in our backlog around a keystroke to advance 1 measure. In the meantime, kudos to Jeremy for providing a workaround. Thank you all for posting and making suggestions to improve Finale and speed up your workflow.


Michael Johnson
VP, Professional Notation

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… I would appreciate the possibility to move back and forth one measure at a time in Scroll View with the arrow keys …


That navigation option is available in the Speedy Entry Tool.

The option works in both Page View and Scroll View.


However, the shortcut keystrokes are not the arrow keys, but rather

[ for navigating to Previous Measure

] for navigating to Next Measure


Look in the  sub-menu Speedy Navigation:

Speedy menu > Speedy Navigation > …


In case you do not like using the [ key and the ] key, consider programming some other keyboard shortcuts.

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I completely agree that there should be a dedicated key to move left or right in scroll view. However, there are a couple options:


1. You can use the scroll wheel on your mouse. If you hold [shift] it will scroll horizontally.

2. You can program a mouse click with a macro program to click on the buttons, and then assign it to a key press. I have it assigned to [cmnd] left and right.

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Thanks Peter, for your tips. I recall having seen the keystrokes you mention. They would need remapping on a European keyboard of course. This is not the problem though. I would very much like to be able to conveniently move to the previous/next measure in scroll view, regardless of which tool I'm using.

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… I would very much like to be able to conveniently move to the previous/next measure in scroll view, regardless of which tool I'm using …


Indeed that would be a nice navigation feature for Scroll View.

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Thanks for the tip, Jeremy. When I try Shift + mouse wheel, the scrolling goes two measures at a time. What I would like is just one.

I know a macro program could do this, but why should that be necessary?

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In scroll view if you type {Ctrl u} the measure number is highlighted. Now push up or down arrows and watch the measure numbers change. Then press enter to go to that measure. (In page view use "Alt a")

Using the program AutoHotKey I wrote the following script:









With this I can move (while in scroll view) 1, 5, or 10 measures or pages at a time using the CTRL and ALT keys with the arrow keys.

It's pretty neat. Just make sure you run AutoHotKey while using Finale.

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Hi Anders,

have you checked your system settings? I think you can set how many lines one scrollwheel-click is moving - sort of like the sensitivity of the scroll wheel.

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Thanks Michael, Kevin and Florian for response and tips! I will try both the AutoHotKey and the scroll-wheel settings. If any of them works well my request is probably not on the top of the list. On the other hand, a simple command within the program would be just fine. 

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