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One of the most damaging decisions ever taken by Makemusic was the removal of note-attached expressions in Fin09. I miss them almost daily. It was also patently unnecessary, since note assignment could have been blended with meas/beat into the barbell U.I. we have today. Their removal was the reason I eschewed every update between Fin08 and Fin12.

But that is water under the bridge. There are, however, still features from note-attached expressions that are missing.

1. Gracenote attachment. Gracenote attachment is a kludge, requiring use of the assignment dialog and guesswork as to what number to enter there (especially if there are a lot of gracenotes). Also, expressions don't scale to the size of the gracenote based on the setting in the assignment dialog. Nor do expressions attached to the gracenote position relative to the gracenote.

2. Moving notes around in Speedy leaves the expressions stranded. This is perhaps my biggest beef with the confiscation of note-attached expressions.

3. Layer assignment is also a kludge. It requires opening the assignment dialog, and it gets messed up if you are splitting two parts on a staff into individual parts. I'm not even talking about voiced parts, which still have the fatal no special tools restriction. I'm just talking about using TGTools->Smart Explosion to split them onto different staves.

There are probably others I'm not thinking of now. But those are the big issues that come to mind.




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Hi Robert:


Thank you for posting to this community.

Grace notes have many problems. I've added your notes on expression placement to our story in the backlog: FIN-4371. We can't fix grace notes fast enough for me!

When I move a note in Speedy, the expression comes along for the ride. What am I missing?

Layer attachment. I agree it is also problematic. I've added your comments to FIN-5388..


Thank you for your use of Finale all these years and your suggestions to improve the product.


Michael Johnson
VP, Professional Notation

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I realize I wasn't clear about "moving around in Speedy". I didn't mean Note Positioning. In your example, suppose you want that (if treble clef) B to be the first note in the next bar. So you position your cursor on it and enter a quarter rest and a half rest, then select "Move to Next Measure" when the dialog pops up. Problem is your expression remains stuck uselessly on what is now a quarter rest.

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Perhaps I'm minsunderstanding, but surely it's easier to select the three notes and drag them to the next bar, followed by Backspace or Clear to delete the source, than to insert rests in Speedy and invoke the Too Many Beats dialog. In fact, wouldn't the dialog pop up when you entered the first of the two rests?

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If you turn off "Jump to Next Measure" the db doesn't pop up until you leave the measure. I use this workflow *all the time*. Usually it is when I need to insert a couple of beats and slide everything else to the right into a measure I have inserted a few bars later. If you find using copy/paste easier, that's fine by me. I won't try to convert you. But what I find unacceptable is that when expressions were attached to notes...they stayed attached to the notes. Now they don't.

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Ah, "Jump to Next Measure". We all have our different ways and uses for Finale, so I wasn't casting aspersions. What is the barbell U.I.?

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The barbell U.I. is the dotted blue line with circles on either end that shows the beat attachment for expressions and smart shapes. (A line with circles on each end is a "barbell".)

You mentioned the "Too Many Notes" dialog. Another horrid decision by (then) Coda Music was to remove the cancel button from that dialog. When it had a cancel button you never had to change the speedy option. You could simply hit escape until you were ready to jump.


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They could use that to show whether something is beat- or note-attached, but you'd still need a way of specifying which when you assigned it. I guess it could be in the expression definition like it used to be. I have to guess that there was some technical reason for making everything beat attached.

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Just a thought:


Articulations are note attached.


Instead of re-introducing note attached expressions, perhaps it would be better to extend the Articulation Tool’s functionality?


In Other Words:

Would it be better to add the (now removed) {note attached expressions} features to the Articulation Tool?

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At this point I think there are probably other priorities than reintroducing note-attached expressions. This post was only to point out the shortcomings that still remain with beat-attached.

As to Bryan's question about how they could have been integrated, we currently choose a horizontal positioning method. For my money, every one of the horizontal positioning options with the word "Notehead" in it could have and should have been note-attached positioning options. My Mass Copy plugin still separates these as if they were note-attached and so does the Mass Edit copy filter of Finale. (Though Finale bases it on category. But it works out to be basically the same if you use default settings.)


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