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I write for a "amateur" choir. My soprano singers are totally OK from A to C, alti from G to G, tenor from A to D, and basses from G to G, wich are very restricted but comfortable ranges for them.

Maybe this could be useful for next version to be able to create or customize such ranges in existing soprano... voices.



Finale 2014 on iMac with OS 10.10.15


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Official comment


Hi Pascal:


You can set the range checking under the View / Out-of-Range Notes. We do have a story (FIN-4519) in our backlog to allow users to define the instruments (voices) for their own preferences. I believe once we implement that functionality, you would be able to define ranges at your discretion. Thank you for your request.


Michael Johnson
VP, Professional Notation

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My Finale gets its instrument ranges from the SQL database Finale\Ressourcen\Finale.instruments which can be edited with e.g. . The seventh table is named instrument_ranges and contains the range's MIDI numbers.

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Hi Harald,

I stumbled across this solution with this same app for Mac a few weeks ago. No problem changing the tables to have the ranges I want. My problem is embarrassing: How do I save out of DB Browser for SQLite in order to have the resultant file recognized by Finale?

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Has this feature ever been addressed?  I have a client who would like to have a custom range on some vocal ensemble pieces so when he's using the "Show out of range notes" feature, they display correctly.

Is there any way to customize an instrument in Finale now?  I noticed this question was posted in 2017 but I see no update on it.  I would love to be able to have this customization where it would be tied to the file specifically, not necessarily changes anything program-wide, if that makes sense.

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AFAIK This has not been addressed, nor do I think it will be.

A lot of the staff has changed since Michael Johnson was at MakeMusic, and some of the philosophy has changed as well.

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Sorry I’m not a super Geek. I just need a simple way to customize my instrument’s ranges…

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I'm with you in wanting a simple Edit button! But Makemusic has been implored for years to add this feature, as a search of postings online shows.

The solution we are discussing is about as "geeky" as opening a Word document, changing a couple of words, resaving it, and putting it back where it belongs.

But don;t let me deter you from complaining directly to Makemusic, as I have! They need to fix this!


PS Moving Garritan libraries after they are installed, useful if you buy a better external harddrive for example, is ALSO a ridiculously 'geeky' business of editing .plist files. I have been using VI libraries for well over 2 decades and know of no other product that makes moving samples so difficult. Makemusic recommends in the alternative that you simnply delete everything and reinstall - which is more time-consuming.  On the programmer's wall should be a sign reminding them of what we want in our software: "Point And Click"!"

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