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Indiana University Music Library recently encountered and solved a problem with Finale 25/Aria Player, and I wanted to share our solution with you all just in case anyone else encounters this problem. 

The problem was first noticed when Finale wouldn't play back all of it's sounds - SmartSynth worked fine but only a small number of the Garritan sounds were working. When trying to work with the Aria player, the error "slot 0" (or other numbers, depending) and "not found" would come up, with a long list of audio files it was missing. We tried many things, but in the end, here's what worked:

Finale 25 automatically installs the Aria samples to '/Users/Shared". For some reason (probably having to do with the school's software and policy of wiping certain files at the end of the night), this prevented Aria from finding the files, even though it was looking in the right place. These were the steps we took to resolve the issue:

1) Move the folder "GIFF_Samples" from "/Users/Shared" to "/Applications/Garritan Instruments for Finale"

2) Go to "/Library/Preferences" and locate the file "com.Garritan.Instruments for Finale.plist"

3) Replace the text "Users/Shared" with "Applications/Garritan Instruments for Finale". (Note, this plist is locked, so to do this we had to drag the file to the desktop which created an unlocked copy, delete the original file from Preferences, make the edits in the copied file, and move that edited file into the Preferences folder)

Do be careful - those other plist files can be crucial to the function of your computer, so don't mess with them. 

Hope this is helpful, and perhaps prevents some headaches!


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Gelesen - verstanden - gemacht - funktioniert!

Ein lästiges Problem, an dem ich schon lange rumprobiert habe, ist gelöst.


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I tried, but on Finale 26, It seems impossible to unlock the plist when following your instructions. What could be wrong ? Is it me, or Finale 26 is different ?



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a FAIL on the plist solution in my case. I have some assets that work, some that don't. And even a default install of GPO5 has folders with no '.audio' files no matter where I install GPO5. The only sounds that work are in Users/Shared regardless of any edits made to the plist file.

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Don't know how to access half the things you said

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This seemed complicated at first. But then, I read the Error pop-op message that you probably got as well, as Finale was failing to find the audio files. What is says may seem complicated but it is not : actually, it says that it did not find the files where they should be. WHERE THEY SHOULD BE. So all I did, and I guess, all you have to do, is to find the GPO5 - not so hard, frankly), all put it back where it belongs, according to the Finale pop-op message. And after that, you re-stat you computer.

It happened first to me on my Finale 26 version for an unknown reason, and again after that on my Finale 27 version, due to a mishandling of my own, and it all worked just the same. Easy ! Your computer gives all the details to solve the problem. Just follow the guide.

Good luck with that.

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This illustrates my trepidation upgrading anything at this point. Finale resists your attempts to customize/personalize your installation (any features that allow this are more difficult than they should be) then there is Mac OS which has broken major workflows with each of the two previous upgrades, so I am now two revs behind - I would only install a new OS on a new machine, a very low probability. I'm producing good scores and audio clips and I refuse to engage in this agony again. Besides, there is no feature that will help me write better or more original music; that deficit resides in my head - and I don't want to make it any harder. : )

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Well David all I can say is that I happen to run my scores on the latest Finale version and my iMac is running a macOS Monterey, the latest, and it is all fine so far. But I completely understand : we all want the same which is to spend more time on the music and less on the machine.

Best regards.

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Win 10, Fin 26 ACADEMIC

I think this might be the WINDOWS fix:

Second time this has happened to me (first was months ago).  I tried this fix earlier today, but it didn't work.  I re-downloaded etc JABB, but de-selected the RTAS and Native AAX whatevers, and it worked fine.  I'm assuming that it's something to do with the Academic version.

It's working.  The ARIA Player is 1.872, and the Engine is 1.959 (Winx64).  I updated it earlier today, but don't know if that had anything to do with the problem/solution, as I uninstalled whatever version that was and just got the default ones in the re-installation.


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