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I have a contrabassoon part that has a top G Flat or A2 on a normal keyboard.  The problem is that this sound font seems to be short of just one note of the range ie its top note! 

If I look at the Philharmonia website.  Their range seems to agree with what I believe the range to be: 

ie A1 to G#3

Any ideas where this note went to and how to increase the range by one tone?  In GP4 you could put a script in but I cant see it in GP5.

Hope this makes sense.

Win 10


Cubase 9 Pro



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Instrument ranges can be extended in the sfz file.


On my windows system they are located in

"C:\Program Files\Garritan\Personal Orchestra 5\Instruments\1. Woodwinds\4. Bassons"


Back up your originals by renaming them with the .bak extension and you can replace them with these:


For future reference I simply edited the upper <region> in each <group>. 


In the original Contrabasson 1 Solo I changed (for both the normal and legato groups):


<region>  offset=1846  lovel=1  hivel=127  lokey=48  hikey=51  pitch_keycenter=49  amplitude=100  tune=0  loop_mode=loop_continuous  loop_start=203720  loop_end=217407


<region>  offset=1846  lovel=1  hivel=127  lokey=48  hikey=57  pitch_keycenter=49  amplitude=100  tune=0  loop_mode=loop_continuous  loop_start=203720  loop_end=217407


For the Contrabasson 2 Solo:


<region>  offset=7878  lovel=1  hivel=127  key=56 amplitude=100  tune=0  loop_mode=loop_continuous  loop_start=81124  loop_end=173521


<region>  offset=7878  lovel=1  hivel=127  lokey=56 hikey=57 pitch_keycenter=56  amplitude=100  tune=0  loop_mode=loop_continuous  loop_start=81124  loop_end=173521


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Hi Brian 

this is just what I was after.  

For some reason I remember that in GPO4 you could access this directly from the first page because there use to be a notepad.  I could be wrong of course.  I will look at this now and report back.

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Hi Brian

I had read your response briefly on the table and instructions on how to do this and didn't realise that you had actually prepared a fix for me at the same time.  WOW that is amazing for a music forum.  My first post to the Steinberg Cubase forum was replied with "TROLL".  Really that did happen.  I just thought huh what did I do!  A lot more civilised here!

To advise the two files you have sent to me work in the section missing the upper note.   I am surprised that no one at Garritan did their research properly on the actually note range of instruments.  A contrabassoon player who they sampled could have told them this info.  But I suppose a contra bassoon is an odd instrument to use in composition.  But it does have those growling bottom notes.  Chills down the spine already. 

Once again thank you for your assistance and the amended files.



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There are lots of little quirks in Garritan Libraries that can be fixed by the end user.  Not just for quirky or buggy behaviors, but also to add or change controllers and tweak things to subjective 'tastes'.  All in all, it's a very useful library, quite good for the price.


As for your CuBase issues, I'm sorry your post got slammed :(  Don't give up on that forum....I find most people there are helpful and friendly as well.  I'm a CuBase user as well, and have submitted hundreds of posts there to support fellow users, quite similar to the ones I offer here (and I'm just one of many dozens/hundreds of hopefully helpful CuBase users), so ignore the stuff that is anything less than helpful, and keep on asking your questions :)

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