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Often, I need to turn off or turn back on Smart Word Extensions.  It become tedious to go through so many menus:  

Lyrics Tool / Lyric Options... / Word Extensions... / Use Smart Word Extensions / then OK, etc.  

Is it possible to place a ON/OFF switch for Use Smart Word Extensions on the main Lyric Option menu (next to the Word Extension... button)?  Rarely does one need the details of the separate Word Extension... menu.


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Hi Robert:


I'm not sure I understand your workflow to toggle the control off and on in the same document. The Document Options are typically set once and then left along. You could go to Preferences - View and set Smart Hyphens and Word Extensions to Manually update and then use the Utilities / Update Smart Word Extensions and Hyphens menu item when you want the items updated. 


Again, I am interested in better understanding your workflow of when you want them all off and when you want them all on.


Michael Johnson
VP, Professional Notation


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You can already turn off Word Extensions for an entire document via the Document Options > Lyrics > Word Extensions button. You will note that below the option to turn off Smart Word Extensions is an option only to show extensions when one appends an underscore to the word in question.


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Yes, I completely understand this.  My question is:  "Why do I have to open up another menu from the Lyrics Option window to simply switch off Smart Word Extensions?"  Why can't a simple On/Off switch be included on the Lyrics Option window.  I find it counterproductive when I'm working through a large number of vocal files.

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I am more conscious of the tedium of turning off/on Smart Word Extensions when I am editing and working with older Finale files for multiple one-page documents like one would find in a hymnal with hundreds of separate works.  Often older Finale files do not convert Smart Word Extensions over well; therefore, I find myself having to turning off the feature.  I just thought it would be more convenient to have an on/off option within the main Lyric Option window.

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Hi Robert:


That is helpful to understand. I would probably make a FinaleScript, Keyboard Maestro, or Auto-hotkeys script to turn it off. We don't plan to move this interface element out of Document Options at this time.


Michael Johnson
VP, Professional Notation

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Thank you.  I will explore your suggestions!

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