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Sometimes I want to play back only a few widely separated voices. But then I want everything. So I have to unselect S in a voice at the top of the score, scroll way down and unclick another, scroll down again and again and this all takes up a lot of time. When the instruments are listed on the left side of the window, I wish there were a couple of buttons: one to deselect everything that was a Solo and one to deselect everything was was Muted. It would save a lot of time scrolling up and down and sometimes missing something. In a score with 5 staves this isn't a problem, but an orchestra score with 30 staves it sure becomes one.


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Official comment


Hi Martin:


Kudos to Adrian for pointing out the little change we made in v25. I would also mention the Mixer has a Master Solo/Mute button, but it sounds like your workflow is only in the Studio video. We do not have plans at this time to make enhancements to the Studio View, but as we make improvements to playback in general, I would expect some positive improvements in this area. I've added your comments to our backlog.


Michael Johnson
VP, Professional Notation

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Yes, that works, but I guess I'm lazy and don't even to want to have to use Score Manager!

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