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Latest Aria player

Windows 10


Can't find answer to this, looked around, but:


Everytime I start back at the beginning (at measure 1) of the piece I'm working on in Finale, all my settings in the Aria Player instantly revert back to zero settings! I then must readjust all the pan settings; volume sliders; etc., etc. in the Aria Player. How can I keep Aria settings from doing that? I want the program to retain my personal slider/knob adjustments, when I "rewind". Thanks so much for any help you can give me on this.





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It would seem that Finale is 'chasing' controllers to what is set in Finale's own Mixer.  With that in mind it's probably a good idea to set your levels and panning in Finale's own Mixer.  You can bring up the Finale Mixer with ctrl+shift+m, or from the "Window" menu.



If you wish to make changes to the panning of a stave later in a piece use the MIDI tool to enter a CC10 value between 0 and 127 (64 being center).  For changes to the master volume you can send CC7.  For reverb level send CC91.


When you automate ARIA using CC events via the MIDI tool, changes probably will not be reflected in Finale's Mixer, but you should see that ARIA itself responds as expected.



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Excellent! Thank you greatly, that worked!

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