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I would like to know how to evenly space measures on a given system. Say, for example, that I have 10 staves on the screen but the middle one is way too big. I want to space these 10 measures evenly. I have found nothing online about this. The only thing I have found out online is how to space measures with a SPECIFIC LENGTH. But I don't know the length they should be, I just want them to be even.


OS: OS X El Capitan 10.11.6


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There's a couple ways to do this. One way is to highlight all of the measures on the system in question, now switch to the measure tool, double click on any highlighted measure, on the left hand side under display, you'll see "width". put a checkmark in that box. There is a number to the right of "width". It doesn't matter what that number is, Finale will assign that measure width to all of the highlighted measures, click OK, then update the layout. Now all of the measures should be the same width.

A word of caution, if you have automatic spacing on in your preferences, then this will get undone the next time Finale re-spaces the music. Just run music spacing manually on whatever measures you need and you'll be fine.

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Thanks very much Jefferey Turner! This was the exact command I was looking for.  I had known about this command a while back but had forgotten about it when I hadn't used it in months.

Thanks again

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Something you should consider too is locking systems with an ideal amount of measures.


From the top menu:

Utilities > Fit Measures

OR Just hit CTRL+M on the keyboard


You can lock the entire document with a set number of measures (say 4 mm,).

You can also lock measures on a system by system basis by highlighting the measures you want locked into one staff-system and going to the [Fit Measures] dialogue box and choosing the "Lock selected measures into one system" option.

The music is spaced according to your music spacing settings; everything should be proportional.

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