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i can completely understand that no version of a functional Finale for iOS is forthcoming.


However, it would be nice if MM could offer a replacement for Reader, offering nothing more than the ability to open and view a Finale file. Often, a file is posted that I would like to view on my tablet, rather than going into my office to the desktop.


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Hi Mike:

Duly noted. I'm using this thread to track the interest and functionality required for tablet devices. Thank you for the suggestion. While we don't have immediate plans for Finale or a reader on iOS/Android, we are investigating the space and possible solutions.


Michael Johnson
VP, Professional Notation

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This is beyond ridiculous is the age of technology to not have any way to view finale files on mobile devices.  Can someone at Finale get their act together?

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Michel, that is the worst work-around. When you’re making mus files almost daily, then having to export pdf versions with every one, you might as well just write it out by hand. 

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(NOTE) Again, your response posted above my question!


So, that looks more complicated than many people want. I am going to go upstairs and try it; however, an “export ePub with MP3” would be a more logical step for Finale to embrace, and might quiet some of the tumult.


I’m unclear on the SmartMusic blog post about editing SM files. Is that meant to be done on a tablet?


EDIT: Well, the mere fact the Oxygen costs $199 crosses it right off the list!

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The main problem with the old Finale Reader application was that it didn't really serve any need. It was cumbersome to get files into the app, and once there, it had little or no practical use beyond opening a PDF of the same score.


If Finale is to have a presence on iOS and/or Android, it needs to have much of the functionality of the desktop app. I suspect that is a nontrivial feat, but just as I can use MS Office on my iPad and iPhone reasonably well with most of the same functionality as the desktop version of Office, I think that would be a better use of Finale on iOS than to just provide a reader app. If it's practical to do that, then great. If it isn't going to provide much of the same feature set as Finale on a desktop OS, then I would suggest it isn't worth the effort. 

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To just view Finale files on a tablet, etc..., I export as pdf. There are many pdf readers. On the iPad, forScore can annotate, navigate etc...

@ David : the discontinued Finale Songbook (for iOs) had a few extras when using Finale .mus (not musx) files, if I remember correctly : audio playback, transposition, part, score view, remote printing. 

Considering that MakeMusic has limited human resources and seen the complexity of Finale, it is probably unrealistic to dream of a full Finale on Os. A reader at the maximum.

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That’s absurd. I can create a PDF with three taps on my keyboard. If you think that equates to writing a piece out by hand, you are completely unclear on the concept. 


I don’t mind complaining, but let’s be realistic.

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Apparently you are fine with doing a thousand extra steps (click print -> choose pdf -> save and name -> upload to cloud storage - or email - or airdrop -> open device -> find said file -> download -> open in various pdf reader -> play and edit -> go back to computer -> edit and repeat), and you can do that. I, however, prefer that technology solve problems rather than making things harder.

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Well, no.

shortcuts: CTRL-G to open Graphics tool. CTRL-CMD-G to export PDF.

It's already named, and it goes into the folder that the Finale file is in. Click OK

If I need to attach it to an email, I do it. If I want to send it to my dropbox, I drag it into the dropbox folder. It's automatically backed up to cloud storage.

On my tablet, I can open ForScore, and drag it from DropBox.

If I want to play it on my tablet, I create an MP3.

But, you go ahead and do it your way. I'm sure it's quite efficient.


I'm not saying that it wouldn't be easier to simply export a Finale file, and play it on the tablet. That would be ideal, and I have urged MM to reconsider. The problems crop up when people want the editing tools, as well. That is a whole different kettle of fish. Which tools should they include? The NotePad set, or the Finale set? I have the big iPad, and I sure wouldn't be comfortable trying to use the full desktop Finale on it. If I was so consumed with creating my magnum opus that inspiration could strike at any moment, and I absolutely, positively, had to get it on paper that second... well, heck, I'd grab a piece of paper.

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Yeah, look at all those ridiculous steps you mention. It’s a bad solution to an easily solved problem.

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Hyperbole is no way to win an argument.

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Let me know when you’re working on 40 pieces over multiple projects and having to export PDFs to check edits etc.

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Forget it, my friend.

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Hi All:

Friendly reminder the full discussion on this topic is happening on this thread. And I agree with Mike that the definition of the editing tool is what everyone wants. I'd also point out that Finale will allow exporting of ePub -- which is support on iBook on the iOS, complete with playback




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How do you attach the playback to that file? Is that a separate step?

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I haven't played (no pun intended) with ePub for a while, but I believe they added support for MP3 with the 3.0 epub definition. You can use an XML editor, like Oxygen, to edit the ePub files and associate the audio file to your Finale file. Here's a Apple page with some general overview information




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I keep coming back to the same thing: ForScore, on my iPad Pro. It’s easy to add the PDF file via DropBox, and easy to attach an MP3. I can play the MP3 at any tempo. If I spot or hear a mistake, I can make a note of it on the score, and correct it in the Finale file when I get home.


Yes, it’s a little more work than some people seem to be willing to do. But it works, and more importantly, it works now. I don’t have to wait, complaining because MM hasn’t done it for me.


If I feel that I must work on my tablet, Notion fills the bill.


So, as far as I’m concerned, the discussion is closed. I would much rather have MM fix the longstanding bugs, and make the upgrades to the lyrics window and other spots, than waste resources duplicating what’s already there.

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HI Mike:


Thank you for the feedback and your thoughts on the matter. To briefly answer your question about the SmartMusic Editor here, my current workflow:

  1. Create content in Finale for my SM "students", folks that I want to practice my content without the requirement of opening Finale and do so on an iPad
  2. Export to MusicXML of the score with linked parts
  3. Import MusicXML file into SmartMusic via the editor
  4. Edit any music, correct my mistakes, etc. Note, you can also create content directly in the SM Editor.
  5. Assign the file to my students and have them complete the assignments (aka practice) in a Chrome Brower or in the iOS SmartMusic app.

As I mentioned in the other thread, the question remains what should happen next for this editor to be of more value to Finale users. The current workflow does now technically provide a Finale reader, be it through MusicXML Import, of Finale created content to be read and heard in a browser or on the iPad without Finale.




Michael Johnson

VP, Professional Notation


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