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Dear Lovers of Carnatic Music,

I have been looking for a software that will help me to notate a Carnatic Melody. I wanted a playback of what I notate so that I could check the tune.In my search I found that most of the software, if not all, were in English Alphabets and looked like a cluster.

At last, I turned back to Finale. Since Finale has a very good support for Lyrics in native languages and Since Carnatic Noation is basically just a Text Input, I could input the Carnatic Notation. But for the playback facility in Finlae, I would not have been able to notate and for a time,

With the Finale Notation as a guide, I, then, used a Text Editor for Notating the Carnatic Tunes. However, I thought, if Finale has the facility to hide the staff system, I could just use Finale itself as a text editor. Finale has features to rearrange the lines just at the stroke of a key and has many other such facilities and various layout features.

Thanks to the guidance of the Finale Support Team, I have found that Finale has already the solution for Carnatic Notation. Finale has 21 staff styles to choose from and I used the 16th staff style viz. LYRICS AND CHORDS ONLY view and the result is awesome.

Kindly see the attachments and if many opine that Finale can be a great tool for Carnatic Notation, we could request the Finale Software Team to take the software a little farther to make it a full fledged Carnatic Notation Software. Please give your mind.

If you have found better solutions with Finale, please let me know.

United in music,

Arulmani M. 

P.S. I use Windows 8.1 OS and Finale 2014



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Dear Arulmani:


Thank you for posting and suggesting improvements to Finale to notate Carnatic Music. I will research the topic. Unfortunately, at this time, I do not foresee us taking on these additional tasks. 


I tried to view your attachments, but you have taken the google drive down. I would be interested in seeing how you notated the music and what your Finale files look like. Please email me at mjohnson at makemusic dot com if you like.


Michael Johnson
VP, Professional Notation

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