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I am completely numb when it comes to CC's.  I would like to use them, but cannot figure out how to.

I have a keyboard controller (no sounds) connected to my computer, which is a Mac and I record using ARIA to Logic Pro X.

Can someone please explain to me in very simple terms how to use CC's.  I want to use a Drop Off on the brass instruments.  I don't know the number of the Drop Off in ARIS, but I know there is one associated with the Drop Off.

Thanks for any help.


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I'm not very familiar with Logic and there are probably numerous work-flow options for a DAW of this level, but here are a couple of links that make sense to me:


This one points to some information on using "MIDI Draw", and establishing a lane to draw in your CC Event(s).


Here is an article that discusses methods to more easily work with multiple continuous controllers on a track using the "step editor".


For Garitan Brass instruments that support 'falls, doits, kisses, etc.', Set CC15 to a value between 33 and 64 just before the note-off event(s) that should fall.  Set CC15 back to 0 when you no longer want notes to 'fall' on release.  Note that not all 'ranges' of 'all' Garritan Brass instruments have a CC15 fall implemented.  If you're trying to get a 'fall' effect from an instrument that doesn't support the CC15 method, then you'll need to either write in the fall using actual MIDI note events (while the legato petal, and possibly a good bit of portamento is engaged, just use lots of really short notes doing a fast chromatic run....or you could use pitch-bend events).


As far as I know JABB3 is the only Garritan library that does this CC15 thing.  Some of the "Jazz" brass included in the "Instruments for Finale" might support it as well.  One can view a legend of all of the CC events supported on page 67 of the JABB3 owner's manual.  You can find this manual by selecting a JABB3 instrument slot in ARIA, then clicking the "Info Tab" on the far right edge of ARIA, and then clicking the help link in the JABB3 splash screen hosted there.  You can also download the manual from here:


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Regarding your keyboard controller, you should be able to assign (re-assign) one of the knobs (rotary controls) or faders (horizontal/vertical controls) to a MIDI controller number. The way to do this should be described in the operation manual of the keyboard controller. Then, moving the controller whilst you play will send a series of values from the keyboard controller to Logic, the value zero when the control is at its minimum position, value 127 when the control is at maximum.

A typical example is using the modulation wheel which sends CC#1 MIDI controller values, changing the loudness as you play.


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Still an issue?

I'm pretty sure using a DAW will work.  Here's something that's helped me piece this together, but I think there are better resources out there (books on MIDI, or college courses on electronic music which are a blast!).

MIDI CC List - Everything You Need To Know (Quick Guide)

There's lots of info out there, but it does seem to take some investigating.

But, when Finale works, it WORKS!  It really is amazing software, so I hope you're encouraged by this.

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