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(Mac OS 10.12.6, Finale 25.5)

Most of my work is notating choral scores, so dynamics are automatically placed above the staff. But when I'm creating a score for chorus and instruments, I need the dynamics to be placed below the staff for the instruments. It would be helpful if there were a way (perhaps using the staff tool) to create a preference for each staff regarding the placement of the dynamics -- above or below.



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Hi Joshua:


Thank you for posting your request for intelligent placement of expressions above voice staves. I do want to see this feature in Finale. I've added your comments to FIn-5447 in our backlog on the topic. In the meantime, kudos to Adrian and George on tips to improve your workflow.


Michael Johnson
VP, Professional Notation

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You can create a new Expressions category (by duplicating the original Dynamics category), changing the category settings, and then copying and pasting duplicates of the normal expressions into the new category and setting them to adopt the new category's positioning.


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Also, if it's something you do often, you should take time to set everything up the way you want and save it as a Template ... Although, I do understand what you are saying and agree this could/should be much easier.

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6 years ago?  and no mods/upgrades?  Seriously?  What I would like to see (i.e., how it would be if this were my program), an option (in the standard expression tool) to place, by default, expressions for each staff above/below the staff.  E.g., for a dynamic, place the "mp" above the treble staff, place it below for the bass staff.  It's an option: for some scores, all above (or below) is fine; for others, not so much.  Same true for tempo alterations, btw.  And if I do it regularly, then sure, save an "opposing baselines" personal library to load - but all that has is a different default from the OEM library, not an entire duplication of the whole expression library.

My $.02 worth..

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