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When playing back a score to "proofread" it, if a piece has a large number of staves and only a few staves have music in them at any single point in time, it is important to be able to see just those staves which actively have music in them during any particular segment of play back.  This can currently be done in Page View by first hiding portions of staves with no music and then playing the score back.  In Page View, Finale 25 will hide any designated portions of a staff with no music in it if you so instruct it.  However, this "designated hiding" feature currently cannot be done in Scroll View.  (Obviously one could currently choose to hide an entire staff in Scroll View, but then one would miss seeing those portions where the staff actually contains music.)


So, I'm requesting that Scroll View be upgraded so as to hide those portions of a staff which have previously been marked for "hiding."  


The solution I'm requesting would be useful in any score but would be particularly useful when doing playback of a score in which the staves with music in them are very far apart (top to bottom).  One simply can't see them all at once when that is the case, unless the empty ones are hidden.


HOWEVER, even if it's not possible to upgrade Scroll View to accomplish that, it is CRITICAL to at least modify the way it works in Page View.  The current problem with playback in Page View is that even though one can hide the empty measures, a typical monitor shows more than one page but, depending on the resolution, less than two full pages.  Consequently, when playing back in Page View, it often isn't easy to see all the notes being played because when the playback shifts to the "right hand" page, it doesn't show the full staff, or it does show it, but then the resolution is too small to easily read the playback notes.


The solution would seem to be to either allow hiding of unused portions of staves in Scroll View (best option) or, if that is unfeasible, modify the operation of Page View so it will automatically advance the "right hand page" to the left edge of the screen the moment playback starts on that page. 


That would seem not so hard to do from a technical point of view, and would be ENORMOUSLY helpful.  That way one could set whatever percentage screen size they want for viewing playback and be sure to see everything going by.


How about it?


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Official comment


Dear Randy and Adrian:


Thank you for posting your request for improved workflow during playback. Enhancing Scroll view with hiding empty staves isn't something we plan to do, however, the behavior of scrolling through pages in page view during playback is definitely a longstanding issue we will look at. Your comments have been added to FIN-5114, the story in our backlog on the topic. In the meantime, I would say that if I choose View/Zoom/Fit In WIndow and then choose Page View Style/Looseleaf Style: Current Page Layout, I always see the whole page during playback. You could experiment with other Looseleaf styles as well to see if one works better for you. As I say, I see your point and the workflow request to be able to see music during playback to proof the music is absolutely a valid request. Thank you again for posting.


Michael Johnson
VP, Professional Notation

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>> The solution would seem to be to either allow hiding of unused portions of staves in Scroll View (best option) or, if that is unfeasible, modify the operation of Page View so it will automatically advance the "right hand page" to the left edge of the screen the moment playback starts on that page. 


I can support this part of your request above in italics. As for hiding staves in scroll view, you can use Staff Sets to hide or show groups of staves for concentrated work.

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But I believe staff sets wouldn't accomplish what I want as it would hide the entirety of a staff or group of staves and not only the portions with no music in them.  I want to see all the music during playback, or as much as is possible.

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