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Finale 27

Mac OS Catalina

I have a chorale where a dotted eighth and a sixteenth must be interpreted as a 3 eighth tuplet. This is fine for just the printed version but how do I get it to do this for the playback of the score?

Many thanks!

Marcia Dupriez


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You can change the playback but why wouldn’t you notate it correctly as an eighth + sixteenth? You can post a screen shot .png or .jpg to show us why the obvious solution isn’t.

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Hi Mike, The reason is that the dotted eighth+sixteenth are in layer 2 while layer 1 is all in regular 3 eighth triplets. Don't know why the arranger opted for this, I would personally have put the 2nd layer as a quarter+eighth tuplet. I might just rewite this as a separate version just to have a correct playback.

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Mistakes like that are certainly annoying. When the playback on such nonsense is accurate, it means that the singers will be confused and valuable rehearsal time will be wasted.


Last year, I sent something back to JW Pepper with a list of unacceptable notation errors by someone who had a thing for dotted measure subdivision (but not a clue how to use it). I liked the piece but not enough to rewrite it so that it made sense for my singers. No way was I paying for that.

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I know what you mean! Fortunately for me the piece is not excessively long so I did spend some time rewriting layer 2 in a more logical format. Am attaching a screenshot of each version so you can have a look and maybe tell me if I could/should have done it differently? Thanks for all your help!

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Two ideas:


1) The rhythm {dotted 8th + 16th} seems to be in Layer 2.

Switch to layer 2.

Document menu > Shows Active Layer Only

Enter one “note complete” Layer 2 measure (e. g. measure 2; measure 1 begins with a rest), but enter the rhythm as hidden, nested tuplets:

{3 sixteenths in the space of 4 sixteenths} + {1 sixteenth in the space of 2 sixteenths}.

Then, turn [ {} + {} ] into a nested tuplet of {3 eighths in the space of 2 eighths}.

When you have completed one measure (= time consuming!), create a staff set set of only that staff.

While viewing this staff set you can make a Stack Selection of only that staff, and copy the rhythm to all the other measures (the copying only works correctly with Stack Selection).

Use the Repitch Tool to adjust the pitches.


2) Notate the music in 9/8 time instead.

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Thank you so much. It's a bit technical for me but I will give it a try. Thanks again.

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