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High Sierra, and v25 

Finale keeps crashing on this one file. I was working on it last night or two, and it was fine. Then I opened it today and noticed that the second bar had the second half of the bar blank, not even rests. So I try to add the rests in with the tool and they click in but don't appear in the bar. Then it crashed. Now everytime I open that specific file and try to click on the 2nd bar, Finale immediately crashes. What can I do? I would prefer not to just redo it because even though it is just a lead sheet, it does have alot of details/text instructions/rhythm section hits and a couple ossia measures and I need to move on to another thing I need done for the same project.

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Can you delete and re-enter the measure?


You might also try exporting the file as XML, and then importing it back in. That can often clear up some file corruption.

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