The Aria Player supports Sound Fonts and sFz formats — plenty of those out there cheap or free.
I really like the Claps, Stomps and Snaps Bundle from BOZ. You can buy the entire bundle from BOZ or individual components. Still includes VST2 as well as AU and VST3.
For Mac Users over M1, M2 etc., this bundle is not AS Native yet. The only way it will work with Finale is if everything is running over Rosetta II (not an issue for Intel Macs).

As I posted earlier:
The Aria Player supports Sound Fonts and sFz formats — plenty of those out there cheap or free.
There are tools to make your own sFz but I wouldn't waste the money when there are excellent free samplers out there that let you can also make your own VSTs/AUs. IK Multimedia's SampleTank 4 is free (additional VIs cost but not the player). The CS download includes 4GB free samples.
Likewise, Kontakt 6 Player is still available for download from Native instruments, also free. Either will let you make your own VST. Since Kontakt 7 no longer supports VST, only VST3 which Finale can't use, Windows users want 6. Mac users can use either 6 or 7 to make AUs. Plenty of tutorials on YouTube on how to do this.

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