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I recently had to work with Korean lyrics, and found out you can't type into score in Finale as you normally type in Korean for any other applications. To give you more contexts, each Korean letter is consist of vowels and consonants. For example if I wanna say "Today" in Korean, it would be "오늘", which you would type "ㅇ ㅗ ㄴ ㅡ ㄹ" then it combines ""ㅇ ㅗ " into "오" and "ㄴ ㅡ ㄹ" as "늘". They have to be assembled automatically to work. However, in Finale, it will only show as I type, but never converts into actual words. If I type ""오늘" in finale, it will only appear as "ㅇ ㅗ ㄴ ㅡ ㄹ" . I tried in both lyrics window and type into score, along with different Korean fonts. It just doesn't work in Finale. This is actually kinda embarrassing issue in the year of 2023. 

Has anyone run into the same issue? (if any Korean out here) 

Finale version v27, Mac OS X 10.15





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Just a thought… could you type it in Korean in a word processing app, and paste that onto the lyric window? Then click-enter or flow them onto the score.

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Yes you can.  Currently that’s the only way to do it. But it kinda defeats the purpose of “type into score’. I really feel like this is something can be fixed if they try. 

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Have you sent it in to tech support as a feature request?


In the meantime, don’t hold your breath waiting for a fix.

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yeah that's what im thinking currently :)


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just talked to the support, and they are aware of the issue, and there's no time table for the fix.

Meanwhile, I found another workaround. While you typing in Korean as it's not combining vowels and consonants correctly, switch the keyboard to English, then type few letters, then switch back to Korean. Now it works correctly 🙃🙃🙃

So it's def a bug haha. At least , this is a better work around than copy and paste.


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