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Mac Studio, OS Ventura 13.2.1 (but the issues happens on PC as well, I've tested)

This is a sort of a longer standing issue when using the selection tool and selecting a trill with a flat, natural, or sharp symbol.  There is an enormous dashed selection box that pops up.  This is troublesome as it means finale gets confused if you're trying to select something else close to this trill since often this selection box will cover another item, like notes, the measure itself, articulations, etc.  It becomes really annoying if you are working on a score and you try to select another staff or something similar and finale selects the trill instead.  

I have sent multiple screen recordings to the finale tech support, and in the end, they said:

"Unfortunately, since this is expected behavior that can't be modified in Finale's settings, I'm afraid I can't offer much with regard to a workaround other than experimenting with the trill placement."

And this is using a finale default document with their default trill markings.  Custom alterations are no better.  The issue crops up because there is a ton of extra space in the characters for those alterations.  No idea why.  

Anyone?  Let's see if we can get Finale to adjust this somehow.


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This is a long-standing problem and its only solution when using such complex characters is to work with fonts whose ascender and descender are relatively close.

The reason:

For most of its functions, Finale uses the so-called Font annotation table (i.e. 26.3), and in the SMuFL version (27.3) its JSON meta file. Unfortunately, when using the Smart Shape Tool, this meta data is not taken into account and this leads to the problem you described. 

For myself, I've partially solved this adversity by creating a suitable font whose parameters fall within the norms described above, although it too has some offsets due to the need to adjust the typographic height of sharp relative to trill. And while it is not perfect, it is still an acceptable solution. 

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Right.  I don't think I want to create a custom font for this to work properly.  Your solution does look better though.

Well, maybe someday this will get sorted out.

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