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When printing to a pdf, which I do often as a better way to proof the output, I need to print the same selection multiple times in a row. The page range however is not sticky from one printing to the next. It would be helpful for the print range to be populated with the previous time's parameters.  While this may seem a bit trivial, having a page offset means having to figure out the page range without the offset.


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But what if we don’t want that behavior? It would have to be an option.

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Wiggy's Law:

For every Finale user who eagerly desires a feature, there's another user who wants it turned off.

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Print to PDF is handled in the MacOS for Macs. It is handled by 3rd party drivers in Windows. I’m guessing that you are using one or the other. If Windows, there may be a driver that you can set to do what you want.


In neither case is it handled by Finale.

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Thank you Mike Halloran.  It would seem to me however that the print menu has already been customized by Finale as it has the option to only select the current part, which would not be in a generic printer driver.  (I am on Windows 10)

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There is no native PDF printer in Windows. Even the discontinued Microsoft pdf printer that was included in the early builds of Windows 10 is considered a 3rd part app.


There are many others including CUTE PDF (used by many around here) and various Adobe products. Some have scripting and preset capabilities but, being a Mac user exclusively these days, I don’t know which does what.


There are some Windows power users around here and I hope that one of them can point you in the right direction.

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