New post

* My thanks go to everyone who responded. I currently am using the same methods mentioned by other composers in this forum. My post was to propose that Finale create a more streamlined method with fewer steps involved (such as the 3 steps outlined in my initial post.)
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and expertise.

Finale v.27 using Mac OS Catalina 10.15.7

Finale isn't set up to add hand-clapping and body percussion to a vocal part easily. It currently takes multiple steps and a significant amount of fiddling to accomplish, including changing note heads to Xs, setting up a separate "ghost" percussion track, hiding the track visually, and muting the voice part during the measures in question.

So, I hope that the Finale team will consider adding this feature in future releases. Something like:
1. Select the measures in question.
2. Right-click or control-click to open up a sub-menu
3. Select Clapping/Body Percussion (note heads automatically switch to X, sound automatically switches from voice to clapping/body percussion sounds)

That would be SO helpful to choral composers everywhere!


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If it’s simple, adding a second layer with Xs and hidden rests is the normal way this is done. For anything more complex, choral scores normally add a single line, visible percussion staff to handle it. I assume that you know this, yes?


I’m having trouble visualizing why the standard ways aren’t acceptable. Please add a screen shot shot and show us all what you want the result to look like. None of us who post here regularly work for MakeMusic but there are some very experienced choral directors around here (I recently posted that I’d been doing that 50 years till a friend pointed out that 1969 was 54 years ago—yikes!). So, what are you trying to accomplish?

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I put choral clapping on Layer 4 and set it to a different playback sound.  Hide the rests as needed.  What's the problem?

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I put choral clapping on Layer 4 and set it to a different playback sound.  Hide the rests as needed.  What's the problem?


Exactly, That's why I asked for a screen shot. What is he looking for that can't be done as it is now? If one is going to request a new feature, people need to know what it is.

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I do it by adding an additional percussion staff.

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