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Windows 10.

I wonder if anyone has advice regarding ties. I have a long piece and every measure had notes sounded individually and then each note is held to make a chord at the end of the measure. I have a hundred measures. I am creating a tie in the simple menu for each note, then I have to go to tools-special tools-ties, click on each tie, go to the dialog box, click and unclick under/over, then re-adjust when Finale changes the placement. Often for reasons I can't fathom, the under/over change does nothing to the tie.

By the time i finish this document, I will be 100. Any suggestions? I have heard there is a way to duplicate ties for subsequent measures.


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It's not exactly clear to me what you're trying to do, it would be best to see a short example. Just guessing, though, you might consider using slurs (not ties). If they are all similar for the following measures, you can copy those by setting your Edit Filter to only copy Smart Shapes. If the notes are different you might have to adjust them vertically, but the shapes and their directions will remain the same.

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If it's a piano piece, and the notes are sustained with the damper pedal, you probably don't need the ties, c.f. Elaine Gould:

If it's an organ piece, maybe it would be easier to use slurs and then flatten them to look like ties. The JW Change Plugin can flatten slurs. Of course the playback won't be correct.


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