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Some suggestions to improve the workflow

1. Separate short commands for the main menu.

2. Custom Zoom. The shortcut commands Comand 1, comand 2 and so on should have worked in all main menus, not just in the Selection Tool.

3. Short commands to change layers

4. Easier way to change octaves up and down. Now I have to go into a menu and see that I have chosen whether it should go up or down.

5. Expression Tool. Here there should have been a separate menu with names of percussion instruments.

6. Possible to export to mp3 also from audio units.

All the best

Elisabeth Vannebo


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Hello! Some of your sugestiones already are included in finale.
1. You can programa your own shortcuts to menu options with a Plug-In (Tgtools I think, Menu Shortcuts)
2. I agree with you.
3. I don't know the Mac commands, un Windows is Layer 1: alt+mayus+1/ L2 alt+mayus+2, etc. I think there is a Mac alternative.
4. With selection tool, select the passage You want to change: commands+8 Octave down/ commands+9 Octave up (com+6 second down/ commands+7 second up)
5 and 6 I totally agree with you.

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Thank you so much! I will check it out.

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Possible to export to mp3 also from audio units.


This tells us that you are on a Mac. If you are not exporting to wav, I recommend that you do so. Many users have problems with .aiff exports and playing back over iTunes/Apple Music/QuickTime since Finale 25. The issue is Apple's and last I heard, it has not been resolved.


There are many tools that can convert .aiff and .wav to any of the four common mp3 file types (there are a few more, too). Some are free: QuickTime and iTunes/Apple Music are part of the MacOS and they also support batch file conversion. Any are faster than converting from within a DAW or Notation app — a lot faster.

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1. Separate short commands for the main menu.


There is no Finale menu called the Main menu.

You mean Finale’s tools - right?


You can program keyboard shortcuts of your choice, to the tools of your choice.

This is done in the Mac OS:

Apple menu > System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > App Shortcuts

(writing this from memory; the actual wording may be a little different)

Finale has a Tools menu, and you can program a shortcut to any item in the Tools menu.


2. Custom Zoom. The shortcut commands Command 1, command 2 and so on should have worked in all main menus, not just in the Selection Tool.


A) By your word ‘menus’ you mean ‘tools’ - right?

What version of Finale are you using?

For me the custom Zoom shortcuts ⌘1, ⌘2, ⌘3 work in all tools, except the Simple Entry Tool.

When you are in the Simple Entry Tool, you can zoom via the View menu:

View menu > Zoom > …


3. Short commands to change layers


The shortcuts are ⌥⌘1, ⌥⌘2, ⌥⌘3, ⌥⌘4.

Are you saying that they are too long?


4. Easier way to change octaves up and down. Now I have to go into a menu and see that I have chosen whether it should go up or down.


If I understand you correctly, you are talking about transposing music selected with the Selection Tool - right?

The default shortcuts can not be shorter:

9 - octave up

8 - octave down

7 - scale step up

6 - scale step down


5. Expression Tool. Here there should have been a separate menu with names of percussion instruments.


I am not sure I understand.

By your word ‘menu’, do you mean a pop up menu somewhere in the Expression Designer?


6. Possible to export to mp3 also from audio units.


I agree.

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